Chapter V

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[ Third Person View ]

It has been an hour after both of them had been reunited until (Y/n) realized a small changed about his attitude. Needless to say, she wants to tease Judar. However, she decided to go against it as she didn't want to ruin the moment.

"...I missed you..." He mumbled with his chin, resting on (Y/n)'s shoulder while she caressed his hair, " I know...I know..." (Y/n) hummed while she looked up and stared at the skies as the stars started to appear one by one.

" I have a question, Judar, " she heard him hummed as she felt him slightly tighten his grip around him, " Why did the people randomly give me flowers and the guards knew about my arrival. Did you plan all of this? "

The moment she told Judar about what happened, it caught him off guard. He remained silent for a moment before he answered (Y/n), "...Yes..."

(Y/n) gave a light chuckle as pull him away from the hug and smiled at him, " Thank you. I appreciate it, Judar. I love it. "

She gave the black Magi with a light peck on his cheek which causing him to flustered as he was now embarrassed, unaware that pink rukhs were fluttering.

" I'm glad you like it, " Judar started as he quickly got up while he crossed his arms, " But, we're not going to speak about this! You got it, brat! " He declared in a rude tone.

" Hahaha, I might. " (Y/n) gave a toothy grinned while Judar looked annoyed as he glared at her.

" Not a single word. "

" Okay, I promise I'm not going to mention it. " Judar scoff, facing in front of her and reach his hand to her.

" Come on, we'll be having dinner right away and I mention the others about you. " (Y/n) hummed as she gladly took his hand as both of them walk to the dining hall.

|| Grand Dining Hall ||

[ Reader ]

When Judar brought me into the Dining Hall, I saw all of the royal families of the Kou Empire, some were giving out an intimidating aura, making the rukhs afraid to approach them while there were some were friendly, making easier for the rukhs to stay around them.

' Another unique characteristic to meet, ' I thought before Judar announced about our arrival as the eyes of the royal families peer their attention towards me, ' This is going to take a while, ' I thought.

[ Gyokuen ] 

The children and I were waiting for Judar to arrive with his guest. However, he never had any interest in people since he sees them as toys that can be tossed and be replaced, ' There can be only mean one thing, ' I thought until all of us were alarm when he announced his arrival along with his guest.

We looked up and saw Judar's guest, my eyes slightly widened when I saw her. She has the same (H/c) hair and (E/c) eyes that held kindness. 

' The King hasn't aged at all but, ' I smirked as I slowly to plan out my next scheme.

' I'll have to find a way to corrupt her and maybe take the life that she holds dear, ' I thought as I watched the children introducing themselves until it was my turn.

I stood up and up a fake smils while I bowed my head slightly, " It's nice to meet you in person, miss (Y/n). " I sweetly greeted her before I continued, " I'm Gyokuen Ren the mother of Hakuryuu Ren and Hakuei Ren and a step-mother of the Emperor's children. "

" It's nice to meet you as well, Lady Gyokuen. "

[ Third Person View ]

After the introduction from the royal family, (Y/n) felt uneasy about Gyokuen as she sat next to Judar who was busy eating fruits and meat like he would eat and at her right side, was Hakuryuu who is vegetables and meat.

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