Chapter III

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I groan lowly when I heard the birds were singing outside as I tiredly open my eyes and glanced over the window, seeing that the sun was up. ' I think I should leave tomorrow, ' I pondered as I tiredly got up from the bed as I was oblivious that the door to my room creaked open and as I slowly sat up, I did some stretching to loosen up the bones until a male voice greeted me.

" Good morning, Lady (Y/n). " 

I turned peered my attention towards the source and saw it was Muu while carrying a basket that was filled with fruits, " Good morning to you too, Muu-san. " I greeted him back with a smile as I watched him walked towards my direction and placed the basket next to the bed.

" I brought you fruits, Lady (Y/n). " Muu grinned.

" That's really kind of you Muu and thank you anyways. I'm sorry if I'm a burden. " I scratch my cheek, staring the basket of fruits that he handed the basket of fruits to me before I noticed Muu suddenly then knelt down in a sign of respect which gave me a heart attack.

" You're not a burden Lady (Y/n). " He started as he continued, " Lady Schehezarade mentioned me that you're a Magi, making you an honoured guest in Reim Empire, " Muu stated as he lifts up his head and stared at me with a stoic expression while he held a burning passion wavering through his eyes.

" I vow to sacrifice my life for you even if the cost is death. " He made an oath which made me sigh, ' Zade really exceed my expectations as she chooses her King Candidate with interesting characteristic, ' I thought as a small smile creeps on my face, I gently pushed the basket aside and got off from the bed before I gave Muu a head pat. 

[ Third Person View ]

Muu held a surprised expression with a tinted of pink dusk across his face by (Y/n)'s sudden action while (Y/n) didn't notice that there were pink rukhs were fluttering around him.

" I am touched when I heard it from you. However, I can take care of myself and you don't have to sacrifice your life for me because I don't deserve it. " (Y/n) stated while she still has the smile plastered on her face while ruffling his crimson hair.

" B-but still! You're a Magi! " He retorted with pink dust remained on his face while moved her away from his head, " Even if I am a Magi myself. I still have a purpose why I'm here, " she told him with burning determination in her (E/c) eyes before she continued.

" And  I knew exactly why Zade would choose you as her right-handed man and as her King Candidate. I must say, I'm impressed. "

Muu flustered a bit but he smiles on his lips, " Now, let's get you up on your feet. Nobody should be kneeling too long. " (Y/n) giggled as she offers him a hand. Muu agrees with her with a smile and took her hand, and got up.

" I'm looking forward to your assistance in this very country. " (Y/n) curtsy and straighten herself.

" Of course, Lady (Y/n). " He bowed and straighten himself as well.

She chuckled, " There's no need to be formal towards me, Muu-san. Just call me (Y/n). "

" (Y/-(Y/n). " He stuttered while trying to familiarize my name without greeting me with formalities.

~ * ~

(Y/n) has befriended with the right-handed man who was chosen as a King Vessel, Muu with a new friendship that has been bloomed, along with the other Fanalis'. It was a wonderful week for her and she had already apologize towards the female Fanalis who apparently was the sister of Muu.

Myron was embarrassed as she couldn't forget that first day that she met (Y/n) and without thinking a second thought, Myron just attacked (Y/n). 

|| Later In The Afternoon ||

(Y/n) was walking through the corridors as she wanted to tell the Great Priestess Of Reim Empire, Lady Scheherazade about continue on her journey to recover her lost memories. 

As soon as (Y/n) arrived at Lady Scheherazade's front door, she gently knocked on the door when (Y/n) heard her saying ' Come in. ' (Y/n) pushed open the door and saw Lady Schehezarade was busy planning on something.

" You seem busy, Zade. "

" Indeed I am, (Y/n). " Lady Schehezarade said as she peered her attention towards (Y/n) with a smile plastered on her face.

" Is there something you want to tell me, (Y/n)? "

The female Magi nodded as she twiddled her fingers, " I'm going to leave tomorrow as I still have a mission to fulfil. " She told Lady Schehezarade as she saw her old friend sigh softly, " I understand and I'm going to miss you, (Y/n). "

" You don't have to be sad Zade. " (Y/n) tried to cheer her up as she made her way towards Lady Schehezarade, " I don't know when will I come to visit you and Yunan but at the bottom of my heart, I swear we will see each other again, alright? " (Y/n) smiled while she firmly holds on Lady Schehezarade's petite hand.

As (Y/n) used her other hand pulled out a small box that was wrap neatly, " Here, I have a gift for you. "

This made Lady Schehezarade smiled as she gazed at (Y/n), " Thank you, (Y/n) and I have a gift as well, " Lady Scheherazade went to a big closet and return to (Y/n) while carrying something big which was wrapped with a cloth and on top of it was a well-made box.

" Thank you, " (Y/n) thanked her before the female Magi left the blond's headquarters as she carried back the gifts that the blond gave her.

~ * ~

[ Reader ]

I placed down both of the gifts on my bed as I put the five small box inside my sling bag when I heard the door knock and it was open slowly, revealing Muu. " I heard that you're leaving tomorrow. " He said, detecting a broken tone as he spoke.

" ...Yeah..." I lightly gripped the small box, " I'm sorry if it's sudden news..." I looked at his reds orb as our gaze locked to each other, giving Muu a small sad smile.

" I know its not your fault..." A short chuckle escapes from his mouth before he lightens up the gloomy mood, " Come on, I want to show you somewhere! " Muu went back to his cheerful self as he carried me in bridal style as he ran out of the bedroom.

|| Valley ||

Muu puts down the female Magi on the grassy ground, feeling the cool breeze that was similar to the dream that she had dreamt a few weeks ago. As she stared at the majestic scenery, it made her think that the place that Muu showed her was as if as it was created with magic. 

(Y/n) took a seat while Muu did the same before (Y/n) lean on his shoulder, causing him to flustered as pink rukhs appeared, flying around his head again.

" Isn't it beautiful? " The female Magi stared at the sun as it started to set.

"...Not as beautiful as yourself..." Muu unconsciously said it under his breath, " Hm? Did you say something Muu? " (Y/n) hummed while questioning the Fanalis as she glanced over him.

" N-nothing! " He shuttered.

" If you say so, Muu..." You look back to the scenery and Muu sigh as a relief that you didn't hear what he'd said.

[ Edited ]

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