Chapter I

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After making my appearance into his world, the pillar of rukhs dispersed by itself as they scattered around the air before some of the rukhs flew to different directions.

As a gust of wind was gentle came in as I gave out sigh before putting up a smile. When the remaining rukhs came fluttering towards me and whispered.

" Follow us, (Y/n)-sama. We will guide you on your journey and redeem your lost memory. "

I nodded, " Right. "

They flew to the south as I followed them from behind.

~ * ~

The rukhs lead me to a small hunt with a nearby lake that looks crystal clear along with shady trees and at the same time, it took us at least 4 hours to arrive.

Being curious who would live in such a place, I walk my way towards the hut and knocked in the door, lightly.

I waited for a minute until the was creek open, revealing a young man with silver-blonde hair who had his hair tied into a braid while he wore a forest green theme clothes. As he was smiling kindly towards me.

The stranger in front of me had a radiant aura that was surrounding him until my memories started to flood in me. His smile, his kindness and his humorous nature. 

I blinked as tears started to fall again.

" Y-Yunan? " I stuttered his name as I watched him nodded his head while his smile never seems to lose his charm.

" Welcome back, (Y/n)-chan. " He greeted me as he welcoming me into his embrace. Without saying a single word, I quickly gave him a hug and buried on his chest and cried softly.

" I-I missed you! " I muffled and I felt his warm hand, rubbed my soft (H/c) hair.

" I do as well, " he said.

Yunan pulled away from the warm embraced before he bent down on my high as he wipes away my tears with his thumb, "There is no need to cry, (Y/n)-chan. I don't want to see your beautiful face get stained by your tears. "

I giggled while I gave him a smile which made him looked satisfied.

" That's the smile I grew to love. " Yunan said boldly which made me blushed slightly, " I think we should get inside and a small chat while having warm tea. Sounds good? "

" Yeah. "

~ * ~

I felt better and we were having a great time as he told me about the past years as everything had changed a lot. Yunan even told me that he had chosen his King Candidate who goes by the name Sinbad.

Ever since Sinbad was born into this world, Yunan had a sense something great about Sinbad and now, he was now crown as King at Sindria known as Sinbad Of The Seven Seas.

It was rather interesting and apparently, that Yunan's King Candidate was rather lazy and had gained an interesting nicknamed, The Lady Killer.

I laughed about it as it was unbelievable that someone like Sinbad would able to gain a nickname from other people.

" I never thought that things had changed that much, Yunan. "

" Indeed, " he agreed with me as he continued, " So, how is your condition right now, (Y/n)-chan? "

" My whole body is feeling aright and my magoi are fully restored after sleeping for so long. " I told him.

" Other than that, my memories are quite foggy right after I woke up. "

Yunan hummed before he gave out a small yawn, " It's getting late. How about we get a nap before we could continue our conversation the next morning, (Y/n)-chan? "

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