Monkey Majik- Fast Forward

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Nanimo kowaku nante nai sa

te ni shita mono wo ushinau kurai

Arasoi wo matsu koto wo kurikaeshite


Nanimo kamo wo hoshigatte ita

mayoeru mono no chikai

Mada minu sekai o tsukuridasu koto wo

kuchihatete iku

Kanashii yume wo saegiru mono wa

mizukara no yami datte

If you make your time stand still

You'll know what it means

But why would you want to

Makes me feel doko kara ka

nagareru keshiki kawaranaku natte

Oto mo naku tokihanatsu away

osoretachikiri itsu kara ka

Takanaru kodou tomaranaku natte

yasashiku mo keshisatte away

Wakariaeru koto

nozonderu no?

Mata motometeru naze ubau no

Donna ashita datte kawaru hazu

ima wo ikinuku koto de

mawaru haguruma wo omoikiri

hirogaru yami wo uchikesu mono wa

mizukara no yume datte

If you make your time stand still

You'll know that it's time

And I don't want to

Makes me feel doko kara ka

nagareru keshiki kawaranaku natte

Oto mo naku tokihanatsu away

osoretachikiri itsu kara ka

Takanaru kodou tomaranaku natte

yasashiku mo keshisatte 

(I don't know where i'll go but i'll make it worth my time)

Makes me feel doko kara ka

nagareru keshiki kawaranaku natte

Oto mo naku tokihanatsu

osoretachikiri itsu kara ka

Takanaru kodou tomaranaku natte

yasashiku mo keshisatte 

(I don't know where i'll go but i'll make it worth my time)


There’s nothing more frightening

Than losing something you’ve obtained

I skim past day after day

While waiting for fight after fight

To want anything and everything

That is the pledge of those led astray

When I tried building a world that I hadn’t seen,

It crumbled into pieces

The thing that shields myself from those miserable dreams

Is my own darkness

If you make your time stand still

You’ll know what it means

But why would you want to

Makes me feel

I wonder when the scenery that flashes past became unchanged

I soundlessly released my power

And cut apart that fear away

I wonder when that loud throbbing of my heart stopped

And disappeared so easily away

Do you wish

For someone to understand you?

You sought for it again, why did you give it up?

No matter what the future is, it’ll definitely change

By surviving the present,

I negate the spreading darkness within the turning gears of fate

With all my strength

That’s my own dream

If you make your time stand still

You’ll know that it’s time

And I don’t want to

Makes me feel

I wonder when the scenery that flashes past became unchanged

I soundlessly released my power

And cut apart that fear

I wonder when that loud throbbing of my heart stopped

And disappeared so easily

I don't know where I'll go but I'll make it worth my time

Makes me feel

I wonder when the scenery that flashes past became unchanged

I soundlessly released my power

And cut apart that fear

I wonder when that loud throbbing of my heart stopped

And disappeared so easily

I don't know where I'll go but I'll make it worth my time

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