Friend Request..#3

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Shot #3:

(Enanga, mama, athaan, machan,mams, mamu- these are the words used to address husband...
for Other words will give meaning within bracket..☺)

Days rolled on... In every passing day, everything starts to change between swasan... They laugh, they talk, they irritate, tease, fight, forgive but love, they don't know... They are happy with each other... Enjoying their companion together...

"Swara, swara" Sanskar continuously shouts her name being impatient...

Swara rolled her eyes seeing sanskar messing room... she silently took his wallet, hanky, car key, mobile and wrist watch and forwards to him, narrowing her eye...

"You know you are best" he smiles sheepishly and takes his things from her...

"I knew I'm best but you" she nods her and tied a tie which is around his neck...

He smiles, finally she did but today he is not intent...

"Mama, seriously none will say you are 27... You not even knew to tie this" she corrected his collar...

"Swara" Sanskar frowns listening her...

Swara chuckles... as she knew, he isn't like the fact she is calling him mama...

"Ok Machan" swara pressed her lips...

"Eeeeeeeee, mama is far better" he make face..

"Athaan" she stretched...

"Swara you are not any 90s heroine... how many times will say my name is SA-IN-IS-KA-IR/S-A-N-S-K-A-R" He spelled his name both Tamil and English being irritated...

"Huh, how could I call you by your name..? You are my husband" she closed her mouth dramatically and looks him innocently...

"Swara" he frowns...

"He he he.. ok ok... Mams" she raised an eyebrow...

"Hmm.. better," he said still making face...

"Omg you are getting late, come" she hits her head and runs...

"Swara are you free today..?" sanskar asks her while wearing his socks and shoes...

"Huh... Yara pathu ena kelvi kettinga, na epavuma free tha (To whom you asked this question, I'm always free)" she replies him a cine dialogue while arranging his breakfast on the table... Both chuckles...

"Ok ok madam... bye, Take care" he was about to leave taking his lunch...

"Breakfast," she asked with concern...

"Nope, I'm getting late...I didn't have time... " he replied...

"But" her face fell and tone goes low...

"Hmm... No worries will take in canteen" he pats her cheek...

She nods, he smiles and left closing door...


"Enanga(suniyea)" swara runs shouting sanskar... Sanskar stops hearing her...

"Swara what happened" he rushed to swara with concerned...

"Your breakfast" she breaths heavily and forwards rolled chappathi with tissue...

"What" he rolled his eye looking at chappathi roll...

"Yeah, u have time till u reach office or at least till parking area right" she said breathing...

"You are asking me to eat while walking" he asked... she nods her head in yes like kid...

"R u serious, no way then everyone will watch out me" he refused...

"Oh yeah" her face fell...

"But I prepared only for you not for everyone" she sternly keep chappathi roll in his hand...

"No, I don't" he was about to protest ...

"Dare then will tell athai(sasu ma) u does not show up home yesterday night" she blackmailed... he widened his eye in shock

"What..? But yesterday I returned earlier" he replied back...

"But athai(sasu ma) doesn't know na" she smirks 😏

"You blackmailer" sanskar took breakfast without any other option...

 She chuckles listening him... he entered in the elevator making face...

"Mams"  he turns to her...

"No cheating ok... tata.. " she winks waiving her hand... he smiles nodding his head and hits ground floor button...

It's Really weird, how she used to tease her friends when they call their husband/ boyfriend by mama Athaan mams.. but now she loves to call him by those words only... she remembers his irritated face and thinks he is cute and hits her head blushingly...

It's been 4 years he is living in Kolkata alone... he is a ruler of his own kingdom... none questioned him in these years even his mom... but now this little girl is ruling him nope blackmailing him...

"Mom what's the need of marriage now... I can take care of myself... don't U see I can manage alone" sanskar make face listening, his marriage talk...

"Yeah... sanskar I knew that..  but there is lot of difference in, u unlocking the door and someone open doors for you...(she pats his cheek) you do need someone who feed u homemade food... who care for you more than u do for urself... to welcome you with smile... to make ur mom live in peace... you won't understand me now but one day u agree ur mom is right" she ruffles his hair...

He remembers the day, he argued with his mom for marriage... his mom is right... Mom's always right...he smiles and takes a bite of chappathi roll...

How their life getting changed...

Day passed with their daily routine, Next day After finishing all her works swara sat being relaxed... she took her mobile and logged on to her Facebook, it's been so many days she checked her FB... she sighs and scrolls all her messages...

"People u also might know" a message popped in her screen showing Sanskar name with Ragini as a mutual friend...

She immediately checks her notification twice did he send her friend request... nope, he didn't... her face fell... even Adarsh Pari nd Uttara sent her request...

She thought to send him a friend request but shrugs her thought thinking "swara let it be... when he doesn't want, why you should..."

He and her Lil sister are friends... even her name also must be shown on his page right but he didn't add her as a friend... She pouts...

"Swara show him who you are," she said making face and looks his dp, he looks more handsome in black shirt and coolers... she smiled lil...

After a lot of debates with herself, she checked his profile and grinned wide reading his status as Married...

"If I knew before life would be beautiful than ever like this, I would get Married earlier..." Reading his post her grin went more widened...

"Uff this man, what did she do with him... she want to be angry with him but now, huh.. did he really mean it..? Whatever, but he never failed to amuse/touch her heart with his act" within no time she selects add friend and smile ear to ear...

chanu4 Many more happy returns of the day dear.. May God bless u with all ur wishes... 😊😊 be  happy and keep smiling dear :) :) Wish you very happy birthday 😘😘😘


Thank you all..😊😊

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