Without You..#8

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Without You..#8:

"Mams" Swara squealed happily opening the door... Sanskar pecked her head smiling little back to her...

"Mams you know today I went shopping with Gayu akka(didi)... come will show you what all I bought" she literally drags him inside taking his bag...

"This one is for Uttu, and this for pari akka (didi)... You know I bought same to same saree for amma and athai (sasu ma)" She showed him all her shopping items chirping... her tones was filled with all excitement, why not after some months of marriage, first time she is going chennai for her sister Ragini engagement...her birth place, where she lived and grown-up...

"Mams, I'm so excited to see Our room where you spent most of the times from ur childhood... Is it neat and clean..? (She narrowed her eyes) It should be because youre not staying there(she chuckles)... God first time I'm going my sasural...I'm really scared... did they all like me..? Or they will have any complaints with me... if suppose they have any complaints, you have to support me only okay" she blabbered randomly showing him all her reaction from excitement to nervousness making him adore her like anything...

"Sshhhh... easy... you're not going any war okay" he calmed her holding her shoulder... "everyone will like no, no love you morethan I do" he said all smiling without realising his words...

"Did he said  love..?" She blushed all red...

"But.." he let out a heavy sighs..
"But" she got tensed...

"My leave doesn't sanctioned, you know right this project is very important" her face fell hearing him...
"It means we are"

"No worries... say my wishes to Ragini... I do tell aadarsh Anna (bhaiya) next week to pick-you-up in airport" he interupted her...

"But how could"

"Thank God, I'll be happy for few days without you, like before marriage how I spend my time " he  joked, without hearing her... 

her eyes welled-up with tears thinking "he will be happy without her"

"Mams don't do that don't do this...mams..Mams.. atleast somedays I will be in peace without hearing those nonstop blabbers" he chuckled...

"She is just disturbance to him" she swallowed her words... "You don't need to say anyone to pick- me-up... when I can go alone from kolkatta to chennai then I can manage, where I knew routes better than kolkatta... you be happy alone here without me" she left room snapping at him... his face fell hearing her as he thought she won't go without him but she is ready to go, leaving him alone...


Two nights passed, swara was literally irritated and get upset with every little things... she used to get angry without any reasons... even in the night she slept showing her back to him... like every night she doesn't sleep hugging him even after he took her in his embrace ... if at all sanskar asked anything to her she just snapped at him or mock him... he too left thinking that was just her moodswing which she usually got... but the fact is she was upset with his words...

As a daily routine, Swara packed sanskar lunch box... leaving a kiss in her forehead he was about to leave...

"Enanga (suniye)" Sanskar turns hearing her...
"Don't knock door at evening expecting me to open like everyday" she said looking at everywhere except him..

"Why..? Are you going anywhere..?" He narrowed his brow...

"Yeah... Chennai"  she said nodding her head... "What..???but your flight is on next week .." he was shocked by listening her...

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