Dirty Mind😜..#6

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Next morning,

Swara sits holding her head bz of hangover... sanskar comes with lemonade... 

"Good Morning" she lifts her eye with much difficulty after hearing his voice and nods her head with little smile...

She was about to adjust her saree but realised she was in his shirt and lungi... her eyes get widen in shock... as far she doesn't remember anything... she shifts her gaze to sanskar, who is behaving so strange with her...

"Have it u might have hangover.. it was ur first time na" he forwards her lemonade flashing his 32..

"You know... Yesterday, you were so cute" he pulls her cheeks smilingly...

"Are you feeling tierd..?" Ofz she is feeling damn tierd but why he was asking... She looks on...

 "but I'm totally exhausted after what happened at last night... I really dont want to go office leaving you alone... but what to do, it was my first day of promotion na" he pouts... she rolled her eyes...  

So many thoughts starts to run in her mind "what he meant by last night..? What had happened..? Did she..? Did they both.. no no no" she looks at sanskar... she trust him but his words was scaring her...

"Mams" she called him...


"What happened last night" finally she asked him with courage...

"Why..?? Don't u remember..?" He asked... She replied nodding her head in yes...

"What😱😱 how could you forget most important thing in our life" he dramatically frowns...

"Huh I forget pls tell na" she pleads...

"Whatever happened last night was bound to be happen... however which was gonna to happen one day" he replied blushing...

"What u mean by this " she choked... 

"why you're so shocked..? It's normal between husband and wife" Listening him tears get into her eyes thinking they consummate their marriage...

"nd  I tried a lot to stop you but all in vain you were adamant so finally I gave up" he sighs pouting...

"How could you do this..?  you should stopped me" she sobbed burying her face in her knees...

"Swara I tried but you're not in your sense" he panicked seeing her...

"I'm not in my sense but you're right" she snapped sobbing... Now He was totally confused with her behaviour...

"Do you knw, how important this moment for a girl, atleast for me... I knw we both are married but " words were stucked, she sniffed... Reality hits him, Just only sanskar realised what she is thinking... 

"Swara, Do you really think i can do this with you" he hits his own head hard, frowning...

"No mams you cant, but it's me who forced you" She cried innocently... Sanskar rolled his eyes than ever... he doesn't knw to get angry with her or laugh at her for her stupidity...

"Huh, swara get away from ur dirty mind... nothing happened between us" he frowns...

"What" she lifts her head...

"Haan, I just don't want to kiss you when you're nt in sense... then how could I take our relationship next level" she looks blankly hearing him...

* Sanskar closed his eyes welcoming her in kiss but something bothered him... he immediately about to push her but before that she puked in sanskar shirts 😶 making both of their dress dirt...  he felt yuck... first he cleaned her face and himslef.... then he gives her dress to change but she is so adamant to wear his dress only...

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