He is Beautiful..#7

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Part 7:

Swara changed the flowers in her flower vase, nope in the liquor bottle which sanskar presents her😆😜... as it was his first gift, her heart doesn't allowed her to throw those bottles.. so she changed the  bottle as flower vase by making some designs around it... Sanskar was surprised to see that even he teased her saying now she can show his first gift to their kids making her blush... she smiled thinking all of this...

Soon her smile changed as a heavy sigh noticing time, nowadays she was missing sanskar lot... because of his busy schedule both doesn't get time to spend together like previous days... she hate the fact that he got promotion at the same time she was happy with his promotion as his busy schedule also makes their bond more strong...

"Swara" he held her hand... she looks on...
"Coming days, I will be busy till  my project... bz of that may be  I can't spend my time with you like now... don't ever think I'm ignoring you intentionally and all... if you felt I'm avoiding you then fight with me, shout at me but don't ever upset with me " he conveyed about his work before-hand as he doesn't want any drama between them... she nods her head in understanding ...
"yeah and also keep your angry till my fingers catch this ears like this, okay" he held his ear making funny face... she let out a chuckle...

Swara Smiled remembering his words... he asked her not be angry so long but his angry... Uff...

Once she wait for him for dinner but he showed up late and said he had dinner with clients which make her upset... so she slept without having anything and lied sanskar that she had a dinner when he asked her... but she get caught next morning when sanskar open refrigerator to have water... noticing food in refrigerator, he confronts her... as he guessed she doesn't had dinner, her silence itself told him...  she cant stay hungry so long then why dint she had her foods but he shrugs his thought... his anger over power thinking she lied him and slept starving herslef whole night without caring... he doesn't shout at her but maintained his lips glued for the whole day... he not even open his mouth to have foods... Literally he avoids swara making her all upset...

"Mams" Swara called him all dull... sanskar lift his eye to her...
"I'm sorry" she held his ear... without answering he started to concentrate on his works...

"I won't waste foods... I thought to have it morning but before u saw"  her eyes filled with tears as she couldn't take his silence...

"It's not about wasting food swara... I knw u wont waste but it's about you... you cant be hungry for so long but u made yourself starve whole night when I ask, you lied me" he sounds angry... she dont want him to lie her but she did... it definitely hurts him, She thought...

"Woh, I thought to have with you but you already had.. so only I" her words left incomplete, soon tears let out the way from her eyes to cheeks... she weeped... Immediately Sanskar rushed to her...

"I'm sorry... hereafter I won't repeat this.. I won't lie but please don't be upset with me" she cried like a kid...

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