Let's Party🍻..#5

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"Swara one more uthappam" sanskar forwards his plate licking his finger... swara keep uthappam in his plate...

Sanskar was sitting in kitchen slab and swara is making onion uthappam for thr breakfast... swara took a ladle full of batter and spreads in tawa smilingly...

"Swara can't u prepare onion uthappam without onion.. huh😏" swara rolled her eyes hearing him...

"And see shape of this, it should be in round shape but u drew mickey mouse in name of uthappam" her mouth opened O..

"You should prepared one more chutney, you knw I don't like coconut chutney" he licked chutney in his finger...

Swara looked at chutney bowl... it was nearly getting empty... he was keep complaining as well as eating...

"Huh.. it's okay atleast add some more ghee na" that was enough for swara...

"I think you're so much experience in cooking.. can u please teach me how to make roundwala onion uthappam without onion and with extra ghee" she crossed her left hand around chest and shows spatula glaring him... sanskar gulps hard seeing angry swara...

"He he he... Panda kuttiee(little panda)... I was just kidding" he flashes his 32 like kid...

"Ahhhh.. mams don't call me panda" she makes face...

"So sorry, You're my panda.. so I do call u panda kuttiee" he chuckles, she pouts hearing him... her stomach growls...now only he realised she isn't having anything and he is the only one eating breakfast...

"Swara U should have breakfast with me" he concerned...
"How could I..?? Can't u see I'm making breakfast, first u do finish then I have" she said holding her tummy...

"I'm full u do eat first" he replied her...

"however I can have after making mine alone" she pouts...

"Okay do onething" he take a piece of uthapam from his plate and forwards near her lips... she eyed his plate then his hand... his eye travelled to her gaze... she is satring his plate...
He was trying to feed her from the plate in which he was eating right now... his eaten plate... he catches his ear and whispered sorry😬😬

"Wait" he was about to take another plate but she stops and signed him to feed opening her mouth... He feeds her smilingy...

Did she ever ate in someone plate before..?? No.. not even in her mom dad sister and friend plates... even if anyone touches her plate while eating, she do fight like a cat and roar like lion but today she is eating from his plate that too he is feeding her... why isn't it bothering her..?? why she isn't having any complaints when it comes to him...?? His fingers touches her lips while feeding... she smiled... she loved the feelings taking over her bz of him...

Her chain of thought interpreted by him...

"Swara its been so many days I ate like this.. nope, years" swara looks on, while he continue "you knw when I was in chennai, most of the time I ate in kitchen only... I do something which make dad angry and he will give punishment to me, thn without dad knowledge mom do feed me in kitchen thn uttara, adarsh Anna(bhai), pari anni(bhabi) one by one will come and join with me in kitchen finally my dad also do join us and mom will feed all of us" he chuckles...

"after I came here everything get changed... I can't do nothing with this bz it's my dream, my passion, my career" he sighs...

"Now you are with me na so no worries"

" I'm and always" she hold his hand, he smiles and again continues his story meanwhile they finished thr breakfast and swasan start to clean kitchen together...

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