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"Okay, when you sign here, you'll officially an intern to RCA." Lydia said to Sasha, pointing at the dotted line on the paper. Sasha nodded and signed her name. Lydia smiled and collected the papers. "Well, Ms. Carter, congratulations. Do you have any other questions?" She asked. Sasha nodded.

"Where will I be working? Like, my office?" Lydia laughed and shook her head.

"You're a intern, Sash. Don't get ahead of yourself." Sasha bit her lip to refrain from saying something smart. She hated when people talked down on another because of their job, race, or anything else. She felt that everyone should be humble when it comes to materialistic things because if God wanted to take it all away from them, he would.

"But, if you prove to me that you can be more than an intern, I'll think about getting you an office. For now, you'll be working in my office. I have a mini table in there. You can put all your stuff on that." Lydia declared. Sasha nodded. "Now come with me. I want you to meet some people." The pair stood up and walked out of the conference room they were once in. They walked to the elevators, making small talk. Lydia pushed the button so the elevator can come.

"The floor we going to right now, this is where all the studios are located. You'll mostly be here, helping out or dropping off files for me." Sasha nodded quickly.

"It'd be good for me to be here. I do want to be a manager for some artists one day." Lydia looked at her.

"Maybe." Is all she said and looked forward. Sasha awkwardly looked around after that and smoothed out her skirt. The elevator came to a halt and the doors open. The first thing Sasha saw was plaques on a white wall. The two walked off the elevator and Lydia walked in front of Sasha. They walked passed five doors until they got to one that said '310B' in a big, gold font on the brown door. Lydia turned the knob and entered along with Sasha. Lila turned around from her position and smirked when she saw Sasha. She turned around and stopped the music that was playing. There was another woman in the booth who looked confused when the music stopped.

"Take five, I got guests." Lila said. The woman rolled her eyes and nodded. Lila turned back around. "What's up, Sanchez?" Lydia rolled her eyes this time.

"Miss Sanchez to you. We been through this too many times, Lila." Lydia said. Lila rolled her eyes and turned her attention to Sasha.

"So, you got the job, beautiful?" Sasha was shocked. She couldn't find her words so she just nodded. Lila smirked. "Hopefully Sanchez, oh excuse me, Miss Sanchez will let you work with me. We can get to know each other better, don't you think?" Lila said smirking still. Sasha just cleared her throat. Lucky for her, the awkwardness broke when the door opened again.

"Alright Li, Peter said to just have it ready by Friday." The chocolate man spoke but he stopped when he noticed his other boss and Sasha. "Hey Lydia, what's going on?" He spoke but still looking at Sasha, causing her to become uncomfortable. Lydia noticed this and spoke up about it.

"Luke, I'm over here." Luke cleared his throat and averted his eyes to Lydia.

"I'm sorry. But, yeah what's going on?"

"Well, I just wanted to introduce y'all to my new intern. Sasha, this is Luke and Lila as you know. Luke, Lila, this is Sasha. She'll be working with y'all occasionally." Luke nodded while Lila just smiled.

"Thanks Lydia. I was getting tired of Luke." Luke sucked his teeth and cut his eyes at Lila. All she did was giggle and Sasha did as well.

"Well, we will let y'all get back to it. Luke, is Peter in his office?" Luke nodded. "Alright, we'll be in there. Talk to y'all later." She turned on her heels and walked out the studio. Sasha waved and followed suit. As they walked, Sasha couldn't help but think about Luke. How he stared at her gave her chills.

He probably has a girlfriend. She thought. She buried the thoughts and prepared herself to meet Peter.

Luke sat down finally after Lydia and Sasha left. He hoped Sasha didn't think he was some pervert, that would be a terrible first impression.

"She was hot." Lila blurted causing Luke to look at her.

"Gay." He said and she laughed.

"Well, duh. I hope Sanchez keeps her word. I would love to see her more often." Luke shook his head. He played it off but on the inside, he wanted to see more of her too.

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