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"So, tell me why you're here today." Luke and Kayla sat adjacent to each other, facing their new therapist, Doctor Regina Reynolds. After weeks of Luke camping out at Edward's house, he finally got the courage to face his girlfriend. What happened the last time they were together should have never happened. He lost control of himself and he never wanted to do that again.

"We came because we aren't seeing eye to eye right now." Luke stated causing Kayla to scoff. Luke side eyed her and sighed.

"Miss Jameson." Regina called out to Kayla making her look up from picking her nails. "What do you feel is the problem?" Kayla cleared her throat and sat up.

"He's not home like he used to be. Before that stupid job at that record label." It was now Luke's turn to scoff and roll his eyes. Regina noticed this but said nothing continued focusing on Kayla.

"That stupid job is what is keeping you laced in the finest things and have a roof over our heads." Luke defended and Kayla rolled her eyes.

"Let's not forget that I have a job, too."

"That you barely go to."

"I already told you they don't put me on the schedule!"

"Maybe because every time they do, you call out." Doctor Reynolds put her hand up.

"Okay that's enough. Kayla, why do you call out of work?" Kayla sighed.

"What Lucas failed to mention is that when I call out, I am lead to believe by him that we are spending a day together. But, just as soon as Edward or Peter calls, he's out the door."

"And who is Edward and Peter, Luke?" Doctor Reynolds now focused her attention on him.

"Edward is my best friend and Peter is my boss. And what Kayla also failed to mention is that she goes out with her dumb ass friends every damn night. When I try to do shit with her, she claims she got somewhere to be so what am I supposed to do, doc? Just sit around and wait? Fuck that, I'm getting my money." Doctor Reynolds nodded and wrote something down on her pad.

"How long has it been since you two were intimate?" Luke and Kayla exchanged glances.

"It's been about four months, doc." Luke admitted shamefully. Between the couple arguing and working and avoiding each other, they didn't have the slightest thought of wanting to have sex. Doctor Reynolds nodded and wrote more notes down. She then closed her notebook and tossed it on the coffee table in front of her.

"Okay." She started while taking off her glasses. "I think that before we get any further, we should discuss the lack of intimacy. It's very common for couples to feel as though therapy is the answer to their problems when really it's the lack of sex that is causing the issues." She explained.

"Sex isn't the answer to everything." Luke said and Doctor Reynolds nodded her head.

"You're absolutely right. But, it can answer a few questions that you have in your relationship." Luke sighed and turned his attention to Kayla. He honestly didn't believe that sex will help them but he was willing to try anything.

"Thank you, Doctor." Kayla said and looked at the clock. "I think our session is over." Doctor Reynolds looked at the clock and agreed.

"Okay, guys it was nice seeing you. When you come back next week I want nothing but elated smiles, alright?" She gave a small smile and stood up and the couple returned it and followed suit. They all shook hands and Kayla and Luke were out the door. They didn't say a word to each other as they walked out the building to Luke's car.

The tension inside the car was even worse. Neither knew what was happening in their relationship and prayed that what Doctor Reynolds said worked.

Luke started the car only to turn it off. Kayla furrowed her brows at him.

"If you care about this relationship as much as I do, you would put in the same amount of effort as me, maybe more." Kayla opened her mouth to talk but Luke silenced her by raising his hand.

"That wasn't meant for you to take as me being mean. All I'm saying is, why not make the night special? Instead of us just going home and being awkward during foreplay. I take you out on a date, and we just breathe." Kayla smiled softly and nodded.

"Okay. Okay let's do it! I need to get my hair and nails done." She said softly. "What color should I get?" She asked him.

"Well, I want my dick wrapped in purple." He smirked as Kayla's jaw dropped. She began to laugh, which caused Luke to as well. For the first time in a long time, they were enjoying each other's presence.


I know y'all probably mad as shit because this chapter is extremely short but I actually have a surprise :) all you had to do is scroll up *wink*

I feel like this is what I owe y'all, since I went MIA

Comment, Vote, Share pleaseeeeeee and thank you.


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