Chapter 9 : Finishing Up

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Lucy [POV]

Ever since Zeref's departure , I trained twice as hard in combat and magic. In dark magic I've completed all the dark spells Zeref's book gave me and I have mastered most of the techniques in dark arts . Now in Goddess magic I am still working on .

It was 2 in the morning . I still followed the routine since I really missed Zeref and it was my only reminder of what happened was real . Getting ready I headed to the same spot as usual where I did my basic exercises . After finishing that up I went to the waterfall I discovered while my stay there in the forest .

I sat down and tried clearing my mind which wasn't all that difficult Absorbing all the natures energy , i started feeling the familiar tug as always . That led me to the room with the diamond heart with the elements .

So far I've mastered the elements fire , lava , water , ice , earth , rocks and today I will be learning the last two . Than with that my one year of training is complete . I went into the dimension of wind . There I met up with my goddess self .

"Morning Lucielle . Ready to complete your training officially " the goddesses ask me .

"Yes" I answered in a serious tone . Than I can get my revenge in Fairy Tail and maybe find Zeref after .

I sat down in the sky and started to become one with the wind . After a few hours it accepted me and mixed with my own magic which kind of hurt a bit . From there I was able to manipulate the wind after the pain anguished away .

"Alright you got wind down . Next is lightning . Control the wind and whip up a storm " the goddess commanded .

I concentrated hard and imagined a fierce storm . Than my hand started glowing and I made powerful motions . From there the storm came to life . It was pouring and lightning was striking everywhere .

"Great job . Now focus and think of electricity , Shock waves , and energy . Feel the tug and pull it closer to you" the goddess commanded once more .

I got the different feels in the storm . There was a Mixed smell of water and power . I kept searching and after awhile There it was , the lighting properties . I focused and tried bringing it closer . That's when I thought of Laxus and lightning was in my control . Just to make sure I mastered it I made thunder a few feet away from me and it worked .

"You completed your training . Now it's time for you to receive this form . The goddess walked forward and gave me her tattoo which were like silver vines running up my arms . It glowed a unnatural diamond silver property and I felt her powers coming to me .

All of a sudden I was at the waterfall once more . The sun was setting . I watched the sunset thinking once more of Zeref . I wonder what he is doing . I've finally completed my training . I hope he is proud of me .

Zeref [POV]

The banquet was a success and the plans were now put into action . I shall bring the Spriggan 12 to destroy Fairy Tail . The 12 most powerful wizards in the Alvarez Empire shall be put into the test .

Talking about revenge I wondered how Lucy was . I stared into the night sky thinking of Lucy . I hope she is alright . I should really stop thinking about her . I thought leaving would help me get my mind off her but it hasn't . I truly do love her .

Lucy [POV]

I went to my house when all of a sudden all my spirits stood before me . They stood there proud in there strongest forms . I didn't even feel them open there gates with my magic . Yukino from Sabertooth passed away and she gave me her keys knowing that I was still alive .

My spirits congratulated me but I went straight to bed as I was tired . Understanding how I felt they left to the spirit world .

The next morning I woke up at 2 in the morning . Virgo already had my strawberry pancakes and vanilla smoothie so I just got dressed .

After breakfast I left the house and changed into my goddess + demon form . I flew all the way to Magnolia with my wings . My spirits brought me 5 limiters so my power wasn't alarming at all .

Walking through the streets of Magnolia in my regular form was amazing . It brought back so many memories which go back to Team Natsu . Oh you have no clue what's coming your way .

Ten minutes after walking , I made it to the front gates of Fairy Tail . I stared at the door about to walk in when all of a sudden ........


Sorry for not updating . Got caught up in school with finals and projects .


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