chapter 7~ Nico

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I wake up screaming and trashing. The nightmares have returned. Worse than ever. And worst of all, I'm all alone.

I move my body into the fetal position, the only position in which I feel remotely safe. I'm still shaking.

Hours later, Will returns. He takes one look at me and can already tell something is wrong. "Nico, what happened? What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asks while hurrying to my side.

I shake my head no. He sits next to me and begins stroking my hair. Which I hate to admit was very calming.

Minutes later Will's sister Christina comes in and tells me I have visitors. And will excuses himself for us to be left alone.

Never in a million years would I have expected Percy and Jason to visit me in the hospital. But low and behold they do.

Jason enters first fallowed by a grinning Percy.

I glanced at them "what?" I grumble.

"Oh nothing. Just came to see how you're doing" Percy says.

"I'm not dead am I?" I tell them.

"Oh but that's not what were talking about" Jason laughs.

I look at them puzzled and Percy speaks up "how's your doctor? He treating you well? How do you like him?"

"What are you asking?" I ask nervously. Which I didn't understand why I was nervous.

Percy and Jason look at eachother and nod "DO YOU LIKE WILL?!" they tell together.

"Did you guys plan that or something?" I say changing the subject quickly although I can already feel the blush rising up my neck and to my cheeks.

"Omg you do!" Percy says fangirling. Jason soon joined him. I didn't know guys could giggle so much.

The both of them smiled at me and bid me goodbye. And left.

I am more confused about my feelings for Will than I am about my actual age. That's saying something.

Do I have feeling for Will?

As soon as I asked the question I knew the answer. YES.

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