Chapter 20 : Being Strong

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" When something Tragic happens in Life... All that one needs is True Love and Support from Someone Special.

No Matter I may not be a Part of Your Happiness, But I ll be Close To You When You Need Me The Most... Just Feel My Presence.....

Being Strong Inside Is More Vital Than Being Strong From Outside. "



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After Dad hung up, I looked at her. She was indeed an emotional person.

I knew she was. I saw her still engulfed in me. I don't even know whether she heard us or not. Glad I was in the office itself at that time. My cheeks were still wet. Her eyes were closed now and her breathing had calmed down.

" Ahana... Look at me, Please Sweetie. Have some water.. "

Her eyes were all red and fluffy due to incessant crying. I helped her drink water. Some of it spilling out of her mouth. I wiped it with my sleeves. She looked at me and our eyes met. Her brown orbs clearly depicting pain. A pain that I can't Heal. I know there were tears in my eyes too.

Ma meant a lot to Ahana. I knew that. She was her everything.

" Ansh.... '' She finally spoke.
" Ma..... " Saying so she again grabbed me and started crying. I hated her seeing like that.

" Ahana... Nothing is gonna happen to Ma. She is going to be perfectly alright. We need to go to her now. She needs you by her side. Come on." Ahana didn't move. I know she was tired already, mentally and physically. She looked sleep deprived.

I grabbed my cell and called Dad. I informed him and he was in shock too. He and grandad were also leaving by their flight. I called my pilot and asked him to ready the plane. I called Sara and explained her to pack my and Ahana's clothes and send them to the airport quickly. She was confused and I told her Dad will explain her everything.

" Jen... "

" Yes.. Sir... "

" Ask someone to clean up this place. I want it to be as it was earlier. Due some emergency Ahana and I are leaving now. Ask the driver to bring the car we are going to the airport. Reschedule my meetings. Take care of Ahana's schedule too. Call me after 24 hours for any update. Till then don't disturb. Hope you get it. "

" Yes sir... Should I help?" She asked when she saw me picking up Ahana.

" No... Do what you are asked to. " I was being rude but I was strong enough to handle my wife alone. I picked her up. She wrapped her arms around my neck.

Surprisingly she didn't resist. She had become weary. I carried her to our car. Everyone in the office was looking us in awe.
They had never seen us like this before. I was her husband and I have all the right to pick her up, now officially.

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