Chapter 43 : Guys! You Are Impossible

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" The Friends That Have Become Our Family know How Much Right We Have to Over Them....

True Friends Aren't Those Who Stand By You When You Are The Happiest, But Are Those Who Feel The Emptiness Behind Your Smiles 😊, Feel The Sadness 😔 Between Those Laughs 😂 And Will Fight The World 🌍 For You...

Coz They Are Aware That A True Friend Is Hard To Find, Harder To Let Go and Impossible To Forget. No Matter How Crazy You Have Been..."



It always felt wonderful to be with Ahana. She is such a kind of person, that the more you know her the more you will want to know her.
I saw a little innocent girl hidden deep inside her today at the beach.

" Ansh... What are you thinking?" She said bringing me back.

" Huh! Nothing...."

" Don't lie....." She made an expression.

" Well, I was thinking that when are we going to tell everyone about the Twins. It's their right too." I said changing the topic. I was driving while Ahana was beside me. I did lie, but I was thinking about it lately.

She looked a bit upset now.

" Ahana.... " I said looking at her and then at the road.

" Hmmm...
I am feeling guilty now. I shouldn't have hidden about it in the first place. Everyone should know about it. What will they think about me?" She was on the verge of crying.

We had already reached the office by then. I parked the car at the usual place.
Then I held her hand and lifted her chin up cleaning the fresh tears.

" It's Fine... You had your reasons, and I was responsible for all of them. But it was a thing of past. Look... They all will be equally happy about it. I know. And I will answer all their questions. Trust me..."

She nodded.

" We can tell them together. A get-together at our home would be fine. "

" Done... After we return from Maldives.... " I said.

" What? When are we going there?" She asked me surprised.

" Tomorrow Morning... "

" Huh!! Are you serious? "

" Yes... I don't think we should delay it more. It's already been a long wait. And I have planned everything. "

She smiled at me. It was the best thing ever. Those dimples will surely be the death of me one day.

We entered our lobby. I must say everyone was equally surprised seeing Ahana. I think they all liked her. All the employees were coming towards us and wishing us. It was a very different sort of happiness. Something that I can't express. Something that, Ahana was responsible.

Happiness of becoming a father, that too not of one but two. Just then Jen came.

" Morning Mam... Morning Sir. Nice to see both of you together." She said hugging Ahana.

" Same here...."

" How are you mam?"

" I am good."

" Anyways... Her work wouldn't be pending Jen, is it?" I said.

" Not at all sir. Although mam didn't come to the office for almost 3 months all her work is up to date."

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