Chapter 29 : Avoiding Her

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" No matter how far you Run away from the Reality, it's not gonna change... Ever....

So, Instead of Running, the best way is to face it.

So, Get Up & Fight..... AVOIDING AIN'T HELP...."



" Ahana.... I am extremely sorry...
This shouldn't have happened..."

I wish it wasn't true. I wish I didn't hear those words. They were like daggers piercing my heart. I still couldn't believe it. A wonderful morning turned into a nightmare.

I felt Ansh's weigh lift up from the bed as he went in for a shower. I heard the water gushing and so were my tears. My eyes were already wet. I covered myself entirely in the blanket. I don't want Ansh to see me crying. But... Did he really said those words. Why?? What happened all of sudden?

I-I thought he asked me to TRUST HIM... Last night.

A while later I heard the door close and I looked around. He went. He abandoned me once again, like always. He asked me to trust him and all he did this morning was to break it.
I thought it was the best thing that happened to me.

Good thing I didn't readily believe him. I need to forget all this that happened and act normally. He won't even understand that something happened between us.

Ansh Richand.... You ll see that now that you have messed with a wrong person. You can't hurt unless I let you.

I went downstairs and Sara informed me that Ansh already left. As expected.

I too had a quick breakfast. I was starving. I reached the office building at around 10. I was two hours late.

When I got off the lift I saw Ansh standing in the corridor. One hand in his pocket and a glass of coffee in the other. He was in his blackish blue trousers and a light cream shirt along with a blazer.

He was busy discussing his schedule with Jen. I stood still watching him intently. He rubbed his forehead with his fingers and turned. His usual habit followed by moving his hand through his hair. His eyes meeting mine. Soon he turned his head away saying something to Jen and walked towards his cabin.

" Ansh...... Ansh... Wait!!!"
I called him from behind, literally running now. But he didn't pay any heed and dashed in his office.

" Mam...."

" Jen... Later. I want to speak to Ansh. It's urgent."

" Actually, sir has an important conference meeting online with the Swiss dealers. He said anything urgent can also wait."

" Oh!! Okay... Fine..."

I almost forgot about it. It was indeed important. Saved!!

Saying so I returned to my cabin.
So, he is avoiding me now. Wow!!
Can't he act a bit mature at this point of time. He is still a kid.

The entire day went without much happening. I stayed in my cabin doing some work and then watching a movie. There wasn't much to do in the office now a days. So I invested some more time in investing about Zara. But I didn't get any lead further.

It's true, ' You can't find a person who doesn't needs to be found.'

And Also, You can't work out a relationship alone.... It has to be done from both the ends.

I called Jaai a couple of times but there was no answer. I wonder where did he vanish. There isn't a day when he ignores my call.

Why was everyone around me making me crazy.
Ansh, Jaai... Both the guys are getting on my nerves. After trying for multiple times I gave up. Maybe he wanted some privacy.

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