Chapter 44 : MALDIVES

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" Spreading Love Is An Art...
Which Well Practiced Can Make A Huge Change In You.

Expressing Your Love Is A Necessity...
Which You Fail To Do On Time, Losses It's Charm.

Loving Someone Till Eternity Is Life...
Which Makes The Journey Easier, Beautiful And Worth Living. A purpose Well Served.

And Most Important Of All,
Completely Someone's Incomplete Love Story Is A Blessing In Disguise...
Which Gives Happiness, Satisfaction. And A Hope That Somewhere & Sometime Even Our Lovestory Finds It's Perfect Time.



When I woke up Ahana was still in my arms. Her head on my chest. Our legs were tangled. I put her loose strands of hair behind. She moved a bit. It was already 6. I didn't want to end this but then we had a flight to catch.

I quietly and carefully place her head  on the pillow and rushed in the shower. A warm shower felt refreshing.

When I came back, the bed was already empty and done properly.

" Morning!!" A fresh chirpy voice said. I turned around and saw Ahana with a cup.

" Morning... Sleepy head."

" Whatever!! Here, your coffee. I will go and have a shower." She said handing me the cup. I took a deep smell. Ahana's coffee. It's heaven.

Today, I was only in my black denims and a white t-shirt with of course my a black jacket. It feels incomplete without it.

I took the luggage and went downstairs. Dad and grandad were already waiting in the living.

" Morning Ansh!!"

" Morning...."

" So... Ready?" I nodded.

" Ansh...." Dad said.

"....... I will take care of Ahana."
I completed.

" Good. I hope to trust you then."

Just then Ahana came. She was also in black pants and a t-shirt. It looked like we were twining.

" Ahana... We will miss you and of course your coffee. " Grandad said.

" Yeah, everyone here loves only Ahana.... " I grunted.

" Ansh!! Shut up. Yes, Grandad. We will miss you too. Anyways it's just a matter of few days." Ahana indeed had won their hearts.

" Can we leave?" I said.

" Of course, Ansh is very desperate to be left alone with you. " Dad said and I made a face. Ahana was still smiling.

Saying goodbyes we left.

Ahana and I were sitting in the back seat of the car.

" You have really bonded well with them."

" I know.... Anyways I will text Jaai."

" Yay!! Check on him. Hope he hasn't changed his mind."

" Well, he would never do that. Once he agrees, he will surely come. And he will be before time. He knows the cost of being late now. " she said with a wink.

We reached the airport and as expected Jaai was already standing there, waiting for us.

" Hana... You are late. Hi! Ansh. "
I waved to him. Ahana soon went towards him. I shouldn't think like that but I still didn't like it. He was her best friend but I was still somewhat jealous of him. Coz, he knew he so well. I wish I had such a rapport with Ahana but I intend to create one soon. Hoping that this trip will do good to us.

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