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Dumbledore nodded grimly, unsmiling

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Dumbledore nodded grimly, unsmiling. "I will help you along the way, Miss Black," he said, "however I must urge the importance of not telling me any of the vital aspects of this life that may alter the future. Many a great Wizards have tried to meddle with time; the future must be anticipated with the unknown, and the past learnt from." Dumbledore finished wisely, and at this Noelle understood the severity of her task and set her brows in determination.

She was an Ink Traveller — a Viator. She was lucky enough to have been born into the world which had shaped her life growing up — but that could all be erased if she didn't do her job; if she didn't protect everything and everyone in it. And Noelle would rather be damned than let that happen.

With a firm nod to herself, she whispered, "I can do this," and looked up to meet Dumbledore eye to eye. "Where do I begin?"


"You are aware, of course, that you have missed a whole term?" said Noelle's Head of House as she escorted her to her common room.

Dumbledore had instructed a house elf to take Noelle to Diagon Alley to buy her school supplies, and had given Noelle a key to her own vault. She had asked how it was in his possession and if he knew her father, but in return received a cryptic speech about "time revealing all for those who wait".

It wasn't the first time Noelle though that life would be so much easier if he just told everyone everything.

The house elf, whose name was Mipsy, had taken Noelle to Madam Malkin's to get her school robes and then to Olivanders where she admittedly was over the moon to get her own wand. Noelle held back the urge to flick it at everything and break stuff. If there was even a remnant of doubt left within her about the life she was now living, it was blown away at the inherent warmth Noelle felt at using her own magic; at witnessing the simple charms around her in the district's various establishment. Shortly after she went back to Hogwarts to find the Sorting Hat, waiting to place Noelle in her house.

"Yes, Professor," Noelle answered, looking up to meet the woman's eyes.

"Not to mention the previous two years?"

Noelle pulled a face of defeat. "How will I catch up?"

"I have assigned someone to tutor you alongside our sessions in the meantime. Worry not," she assured, a hint of pride in her voice, "she is one of the brightest witches of her age."

The duo approached the common room and she said the password, informing Noelle that due to recent events the password would change every week. "Stay outside for a moment," she instructed, and stepped into the common room. "If I could have your attentio—Weasley, put that away!"

Noelle sniggered into her hand. Grinning widely, she peeked round her Professor's frame and caught the eyes of small jumpy blond boy. Confusion painted his features.

"As you are aware," she continued, "it is fully expected that you behave well within school grounds unless you are pursuing a repeat of what has happened during the Quidditch match. Although you are a rowdy bunch, you may be surprised that I do not wish to see you being transported on stretchers to St. Mungo's."

"Aw, how sweet Professor, I feel the love in my soul," cooed a boy dramatically. Noelle could feel the stern, pointed gaze the woman gave over her rectangular spectacles.

"In further news, you have an addition to your house. Third year, Noelle Black. I expect you to treat her as your own."

Upon the name 'Black', whispers broke out in the room, and Noelle heard a surprised yelp. "Did he transfigure into a girl to kill us?"

"Shut up, Ron, you're not that special."

Professor McGonagall continued despite the wave of suspicion. "Miss Black," she looked back at Noelle and stepped aside, allowing her to enter. "Welcome to Gryffindor."

[Written: 15/07/17]

[Edited: 14/05/20]

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