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"Why is 'sloth brain mucus' a thing?" asked Noelle tiredly, slamming her quill down

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"Why is 'sloth brain mucus' a thing?" asked Noelle tiredly, slamming her quill down. It was a struggle getting used to the writing utensil while she was so used to the simple muggle contraption of pens and pencils; she was sure she'd have blisters running up and down her fingers in no time.

Hermione laughed from her seat, resting her quill down as she cast a drying charm over her completed homework. "You'll find a lot of things in the Wizarding world that will test your ability to differentiate from the wildly true and the impossible; unfortunately, many potion ingredients fall under the former category."

Noelle grunted in response.

"You'll get used to it. So, how far along are you on First Year Potions material?"

"I've managed to get to the Wiggenweld potion," Noelle replied. Hermione's brows rose in surprise.

"That's quick, you've only got two more potions to cover and then you're done."

"If done means forgetting them in seconds then yeah, I'll pass with flying colours."

Hermione smiled kindly, "Maybe you should take a break? You've got another day until your catch-up session. Try reviewing some other material instead," she suggested, rolling her parchment up neatly before placing it in to her bag.

Noelle suppressed the urge to vomit at reading more. She loved reading and learning, don't get her wrong ㅡ especially when it was about magic ㅡ but there was a limit to how much she could take in a day considering the barest bones of her plan to save Sirius were still floating in her mind relentlessly.

She had explained to Amira that since her task as a Viator is to protect Harry, shouldn't ensuring he has a safe upbringing fall under her role? If he grew up in a house that was loving and caring and actually fed him for once, wouldn't that be better for him? 

"It gives us an excuse to keep Sirius here instead of some cave somewhere with Buckbeak, where Harry will just worry about his Godfather's safety. With that intention, it mitigates the risk of the ink reversing our actions and forcing Sirius into hiding again. If they're together, they spend more time together, and everyone is happy. It's for Harry," Noelle insisted, giving Amira a pointed look.

"Of course," Amira replied, amused, ignoring the niggling feeling in her mind about Noelle's desire to save Sirius Black. "But you're forgetting something. Well, two things ㅡ one, how will you prove his innocence to allow him to claim his Godfathership? Two, what about the blood wards around the Dursley home which provide Harry with his mother's protection?"

Noelle flapped her hands with a shrug,"The blood protection, I'm sure, will still work if Harry stays at least a week in that house ㅡ after all, he only needs to return once a year to prolong the magic. The rest he can spend with Sirius at Grimmauld Place or wherever. In terms of Sirius' innocence..." Noelle grinned a very familiar grin to Amira, who had momentarily frozen in place upon seeing it. "I've got a plan that involves the Weasley Twins giving a certain map to Harry. After that, the plan will form itself. You and I can work on the specifics about declaring his innocence to the Ministry with the others..."

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