Chapter 9

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  Dante seemed different today, like if someone said the wrong thing to him he could burst. 

Vanessa took note of this and decided not to talk to him for the period, not wanting to interfere with his mood anymore. Luckily art was the last period of the day, so she could probably go talk to him after school away from everybody.

 Before she knew it the bell was going to ring in a few minutes so she began packing up. In a few short minutes the bell had rung, and everybody filed out of the room.

 Dante had just happened to walk past her and she grabbed his wrist, making him turn around. "Hey you good? You seem off." She was worried about him, he was never really like this. 

He shrugged. "Are you doing anything? I kinda just want to relax somewhere,"

 "Say no more,"  

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