Chapter 10

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Last chapter♡

They now lay in the flower field by Vanessa's house. She sat cross legged with him laying down in her lap, his head against her chest. 

New Edition played in the background. She played in his hair, fascinated by how soft it was and how is curls were so beautiful.

 "I feel like a clock is ticking over my head. Almost my whole family is on drugs in some way. The only sober people in my house are me and my aunt. It's devastating seeing your whole family dwindle their lives away all because of a quick high. My aunt said she can't do it anymore, she can't live with them while their like this, so she's suggested the two of us getting our own apartment near school so I won't have to transfer. I don't want to leave them, they're my family, but I also feel like if I don't leave now then i'll do a line. Then two, then three, then four, and eventually I won't be able to stop and i'll end up just like them."

 He sounded broken, like he had been holding that in for all too long and needed to get it off his chest. 

"Dante get up and face me," He sat up and faced her.She took his hands in hers, a thing she did often, she loved holding hands.

 "Listen to me, Dante. You can't spend your days living in fear. If you feel like you need to go, then you know what you have to do. But you can't let the fact that you love your family get in the way of what's best for you. Your aunt will take great care of you and let you have some stability. But for now babe, you gotta let them go." She gave her best advice to him, she hated to see him hurting like this.

 Suddenly she felt a soft and sweet kiss of gratitude upon her lips.He then pulled away all too soon before whispering "I love you."

"I love you too," It almost immediately passed her lips. She really did love him, she loved his art, she loved how he couldn't skate to save his life, she loved his almost blinding smile, she loved his curly hair, she loved how she was his Nessa and he was her Tae, but most of all she loved solving his mystery.


Awww tbh this is probably my favorite chapter, they're my babies and what not. But yeah, this is my first completed story and i'm really proud of it. More stuff to come ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2017 ⏰

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