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[Green's POV]

"What?" I blinked my eyes in disbelief of what I'm hearing from Red.

He focused his eyes at me "If you want to help me then, be my lover... I don't know how to date so... You have experience and we aren't strangers, you'll help me, won't you?" he asked, tugging onto my jacket like a lost kid.

I was speechless, I didn't think Red would go this far just to earn experience. Although...

"R-Red..." I said his name nervously, which caught his attention "Isn't it strange to 'date' a guy? I know you want experience but aren't you worried about what everyone else with think?" I asked, scratching my head and avoiding eye contact from him.

"Are you?" Red bluntly asked.

I backed away a bit from Red's question "No way! Me? Scared! Pfft! Yeah, right! I ain't scared" I said with confidence.

Red walked up closed to me and squeezed my hand "Neither am I..." he said and looked up at me with his usual foggy eyes. I could never tell what he thinking sometimes but, I know what a serious look is like when I see one.

I sighed "Well, damn... I guess I've  got no choice, huh?" Red looked a bit confused but he soon catches on what I'm saying "Look, Red! Don't make me regret this! Starting today, we're... Um... Lovers... I'll teach you everything there is to dating! You do as I say no matter what, got it?" I was surprised when I accepted Red's proposal and so was Red himself.

Red nodded "Yeah, I understand" he said bluntly.

I crossed my arms "However, we need some rules okay?" Red stared at me then nod his head in agreement "Alright! Rule number one, we will not tell the others about us being a couple even a fake one!"

Red asked "What if they catch us pretending to go on a date?" he tilted his head, which made him look almost appealing. Ha! Red might not need my help to catch a lady but he sure is a bit plain to keep them...

"We'll just tell them we're hanging out like friends do" I replied, sitting down along the bonfire and poking it with the stick.

I continued "Rule number two, you have to obey me and listen to my advice whenever I make them" I said confidently, which made Red bluntly say "Are you a dumbass or something?" he asked, which I chose to ignore... No matter how much I wish to make him eat his words!

I went on but, stuttered a bit this time "Finally, rule number three, ...n-no kissing or sex... I-I'm pretending to be lovers with you, doesn't mean I'll sleep with you" I nodded to myself and crossed my arms "Do you understand, Red?" I asked.

Red raised his hand "I have a question..." I didn't think he would be confused from my rules but, I guess even the champion has a hard time to understand a given information.

I replied "Alright, then! What's your question?" I asked with a smile.

Red bluntly asked "What's sex?" I frozed and not because we are in the ice mountain it was by his question.

HOW DOES HE NOT KNOW THIS STUFF!? If he is in love with someone should he also feel a bit active with it?!

I face palmed myself, which surprised Red "Did I say something wrong?" he asked.

I blushed and looked at Red "Hell yeah, you did! How can you not know!?" I shouted.

Red stared "I've never had that feeling before..." he said directly.

I sighed deeply "You said you are in love with someone... Yet you feel nothing sexual toward them..." I'm surprised Red was so composed, he's 18 and he never had any sexual activity before.

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