Hangover Effect

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Edit- 06/14/18

[Green's POV]

I saw something... But I didn't know if it was real or an illusion...


Red? What are you-!

"I love you!" Red said, his voice echoed the room.

I flinched in shock "R-Red?" I stuttered.

Red's eyes became teary "I-I've always loved you but, I didn't know if you felt the same... I-I was scared..." he cried.

I quickly run up to Red and comfort him "Red, I don't understand... Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

Red replied "You could never love me... I didn't think I had a chance... So... I..." his voice traced off as he covers his face.

"R-Red?" I looked over at him and gently embraced him into a hug. I didn't know what came over me, see Red with a sad face makes me want to comfort him.

"Red, you should've told me. We're friend, I don't want secrets between us. You mean the world to me..." I admitted as I tighten our embrace. Hopefully my feelings for Red was clear enough for him. I'm not ready to say I love him that way but, maybe I-!

"How pathetic" Red said out of nowhere.

I questioned "Red? Why are you-!?" I felt shaken up as I met with Red's eyes. Red revealed a sinister smile and an evil glare from his eyes. This isn't the Red I know...

"Who are you?!" My body sudden started shaking from Red's aura.

"That's a bit mean, Green. I'm your best friend/rival... And I guess fake lover" he started to chuckle very creepily. He's different, it's as if he isn't himself.

Red continued "You know Green, I really do love you. I even fooled you to be my lover to gain experience in dating someone." he smiled and turned to me playfully.

"Now that I have these experiences, I don't need you anymore." Red smirked and waved at me as he walked off "Bye, Green. See you never..." I clenched my fist and ran after Red who was already far from my reach.

"RED! DON'T LEAVE ME!! RED!" I shouted but, Red didn't reply or said a word. He didn't even look back. Red really left me... The world I knew became cold, dark, and quiet. I don't want a world like this...

Red, please...

Come back to me...

I-I.... I-!

"Oof!" I said, falling out of bed.

I groaned in pain "Shit... My head hurts like hell..." I said, sitting upward.

"Green... You're awake... Good Morning..."

I flinched and looked up to see who called my name.

"R-Red?" I said, staring at him.

Red stared back at me with his usual cold expression "Yes? Who else would I be, you drunk! Thanks to you I have to go to Gold's house and apologize for the mess you-!" I ignored what Red said and gave him a hug.

Red stuttered "W-What are you doing!?" he yelled.

I didn't listen and held him tightly. Thank Arceus he's okay, Red is okay... It was just a nightmare...

Damn it... I thought I lost him...

I looked at him to make sure this was real "Red... You're really here?" I asked, feel unease. I looked up at Red and saw how bashful his face appeared.

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