Chapter Two: Ask Away!

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As we left the room, I felt a surge of excitement. The feeling of travelling into the unknown was so enchanting. 

I was pulled out of my daydream when The Doctor began talking. 

 "Which way do you think we should go?" he asked in his oddly British accent. 

I didn't realize we had actually moved anywhere until I saw that we had hit a dead end, in which we were facing a stone wall. I looked down the fork in the road, well hallway rather. To the left was what looked like a ventilation shaft. I looked down the right hallway, but was quickly startled by the moving shadows that were inching ever-so-slowly towards The Doctor and I. I looked at the wall we were standing by, and saw a map. I quickly whipped out my cell-phone, and took a picture of the map; I figured the photo would come in quite handy when navigating the unknown territory. 

"What kind of device it that?" the Doctor asked.

"What do you mean 'what kind of device is that'?" I mocked his British accent that I didn't possess but so dearly wanted. "Have you been living under a rock for the past ten years?"

"Well... No... But I haven't been to Earth in a while... Kind-of a hermit nowadays." The Doctor was rambling on, like he was nervous. 

"What are you playing at? Haven't been to Earth in a while? You are from the Earth! You've got the accent and the bow-tie!" I looked to him, he  just looked flustered. "Oh! You really don't know do you?" He shook his very handsome head. "Well, it's called an iPhone. Takes pictures and stuff like that." 

"Okay. Gotcha!" he said, sounding very thankful for the explanation. "And no, actually, I'm not from Earth."

"But, you look human! You sound human-" but before I could finish my thought, the shadows got closer. 

"Look. I'll explain later, but for right now, the question is left or right?" The Doctor said, talking very fast. 

"It's not like we have much of a choice, is it?" I said. 

The Doctor was moving his hands telling me to make up my mind faster, so I said: "Oh alright! LEFT!" 

We turned left, almost sprinting down that hallway. The Doctor obviously wanted to get moving, and I wouldn't blame him; the shadows were still inching closer, and we both could hear hurried footsteps just around the corner we had just turned. The Doctor ducked into a very well-lit room compared to the other rooms we had encountered. I followed right behind him, still running, with my backpack bouncing up-and-down on my back. I was panting like a dog, out of breath; I wasn't in my best shape. 

I began to talk, but The Doctor covered my lips with his finger on one hand and his own with his other hand. He was obviously telling me to be quiet, so I followed directions, still breathing heavily from all of the running. 

The Doctor took his fingers off of his own lips, and reached inside his suit pocket to pull out the "sonic screwdriver" again. He put it near the door handle, and pressed the button. The screwdriver lit up and made noise, and the door locked. He removed his finger from my lips too, but I wouldn't utter a single word until he spoke first. He put his ear near the door, and listened for any movement from the other side, once he decided the coast was clear, he put his screwdriver back in his suit pocket and turned to face me. 

"Sorry about that, didn't think is was a good idea to be found as soon as we left our little 'hotel room'." he said smiling. 

"Yeah, that's probably smart." I replied, shrugging my shoulders, and taking a deep breath. 

We both scanned our surroundings. The room was very well decorated. It had couches and a fluffy rug. This room was much nice than the other room we were put in. I took off my backpack, and placed in on the nice blue rug. We both plopped on the couch and turned to face each other so we could talk.

"Okay... So Ivory Santen" he said, poking me in the stomach, "what did you want to ask me?" 

"Shouldn't we be figuring out how to get out of this hell hole before we answer personal questions?" I said, concerned but sarcastic.

"Nonsense! That door should hold for a while, and if not, I'm really good at talking my way out of things." The Doctor said reassuringly, winking at me when he said that last bit. 

"Oh alright! I've got so many questions for you!" I said excitedly. He did have a point, what was the worst that could happen to us if we took five minutes to get to know each other? 

"Ask away!" he said very enthusiastically.

"Okay. So. If you aren't from Earth, what planet are you from? Is there another planet that has humans?"

"Well, you are correct. I'm not from Earth-" he began, but I interrupted him.

"Oo! So I know a real alien?"I asked, intoxicated by that thought. 

"Why... yes, I suppose you do!" he said, smiling from ear to ear. 

"Oh my goodness! That's so lit!" I responded, in awe. 

"Lit? Oh dear, I'm not on fire am I?" he looked around his body, making sure he wasn't. I assured him that he indeed wasn't on fire, but that it was American slang. 

"I'm a Timelord, from the planet Gallifrey," he said, obviously very proud of his heritage. 

"Timelord? Do you control time? Do you stop things from happening?" I asked.

"No, not exactly. I can travel through time, I don't control it." The Doctor responded, in a confused tone.

"Oh. Gotcha!" I said, finally understanding a little of his family history. "How exactly do you travel in time? Do you think of where you want to go and snap your fingers?"I asked, thoroughly bewildered. 

"No, I've got a Time Machine, called the TARDIS. Stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space. If we ever get out of here, I take you for a trip." 

"Okay, it's a promise then." I said, happy at the thought of travelling. "Well, we'd better stop playing 20 questions, and figure out our next move." 

"Fair enough," The Doctor said. He thought to himself for a minute, and then said "Wait. Did you take a picture of that map on the wall?"

I pulled my phone from out of my front pocket, and pulled up the picture I had taken a few moments before. "I indeed did," I said, handing him my phone. He took it from my hand, and observed the mini-map. 

"The control room. That's where we need to go. I'm sure we can find some kind of plan, or even just a map to find out where we are." The Doctor said. 

He got up from his seat, and handed my phone back. He gave me a hand so I could get off of the ever-so-comfortable couch. 

"Thanks." I said, stretching my back. I reached down to grab my backpack from the floor, and threw it onto my aching back. 

"Ready to go?" he said, beaming at me. 

"As ready as I'll ever be!" I replied. 

He took my hand and held it as he reopened the door that led to the hallway with his sonic screwdriver. 

"Geronimo!" we said in sync. 

I was starting to understand this "Doctor" more and more. 

Author's Note:

Hello Readers! If you're reading this, you came back for a second chapter, so thank you! I know this chapter was very slow, but I promise it will get better as the story goes along! I plan on updating more frequently, since I am now on summer break (YAY!). I will come out with a writing schedule as soon as I know the best days for me to post both of my stories!  In the meantime, while you are waiting for more chapters, feel free to read some of my friends stories from my reading list, or my other story that I have up. Remember, no hate please "If you don't like it, don't read it!" ~TimeyWimeyProngs 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2017 ⏰

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