Chapter 15

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Ava's POV:

We drove to the mall that was around 20 minutes away. I had been there once with Nathan, so I was semi-familiar with my surroundings.

First we went to Hollister. I found a cute crop top. It had navy blue and white stripes and a ruffle. It was adorable.

"How does this look?" I asked, stepping out of the small dressing room.

"That. Looks. Adorable!" She squealed. "You need to buy that!"

"I don't know." I said, unsure of how it looked on me.

"Oh come on! It looks great! Please buy it!" She pleaded. I looked at the price tag. It was $47.99!

"That's so expensive! I can't afford this!" I exclaimed.

"I can pay for it." Gabby offered.

"No, it's fine. I'll get something somewhere else." I said.

"If I'm not allowed to pay for you, I'm buying it for myself and making you wear it." She insisted.

"Whatever." I said as I walked off.

Next, we went to American Eagle.

"We need to find you some cute shorts." Gabby said as she looked through the racks of shorts.

"Ooooh! How about these?" She exclaimed, pulling out a pair of shorts. They were black, high-waisted shorts.

"I'll go try them on." I said as I walked to the dressing rooms. They fit perfectly.

"I like these." I said, showing them off to Gabby.

"Oh my god! Those look so good on you!" She yelled.

"Can you at least be a little quieter?" I asked.

"Nope!" She replied.

"Okay, I'm buying these." I decided. I walked up to the register and payed for the shorts. They were also expensive, but not as bad as the top.

We ended up going to a few more stores before I realized what time it was.

"Gabby, its 6:00. We need to go." I said.

"But we only went to five stores!" She complained.

"I know, but I need to be at the park at 8:00 and I need you to do my makeup!" She perked up when I said makeup.

"Yay! You've never let me do makeup on you before!" She squealed.

"Well let's go before I change my mind." I rushed her out of the mall.

After another 20 minute drive, we got back to her house.

"I'm so excited!" She yelled as she pulled me inside her room.

"You're more excited than I am right now!" I exclaimed.

"Quit talking. I need to do your makeup and you need to be still." She ordered.

"Yes sir!" I joked and saluted.

"What did I just say?" She said exasperated.

"Oh, sorry." I apologized.

"It's fine. Time to transform your ugly face!"

After an hour of applying makeup to my face, I was done. When I looked in the mirror, I was surprised.

Gabby was good at makeup! She gave me a smoky eye with some eyeliner and mascara, some deep red lips, and some blush.

Now all I had to do was survive tonight.

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