Who is he?

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It took a few minutes for Lucy to finish packing a very simple suitcase, and leave the apartment with the First. The blonde was so happy with the presence of the little girl who went out on the street talking to Mavis, she could not be seen by anyone but Lucy, the people who always greeted her were looking at him suspiciously.

Was it doubtful to everyone there, had she gone mad talking to herself? Not to mention that Lucy was someone totally different from what the blonde was presenting at the time, she was very cheerful and "silly" to be the centered and serious Lucy that everyone at Crocus knew.

The other people, still about Lucy, pretended they were not seeing her at the moment and ignored her presence as they did with someone out of the norm. While the blonde did not care. In fact, she had little regard for his reactions.

"First, where are we going?" Lucy asked with the stars in her eyes of excitement.

"Get your keys, you hid them in Tenroujima two years ago, did not you?"

This made Lucy look at Mavis a little impressed.

'How did you know? I swore I had not seen you..." Confessed with a disappointed tone. "I just left it there... because..." She ended up mumbling to look down.

"Hehe, it's okay, you have your reasons, and it's your home too!" Mavis said again with her big smile.

Her response made the blonde smile too.

On the walk to the train station to follow up to Hargeon and then Tenroujima, Lucy was thinking, in fact she was totally immersed and absent from so far away that it was in her mind. She imagined how it would be when she met her friends again, if they were still friends, as they were, if no one had hurt herself at that time, and several other things.

And the thing that hammered the blonde's head the most was: If she needed the keys, she would need to fight, but against what?



"What do I need the keys for? You must know that I no longer want to be a mage." Lucy searched for an explanation of what she thought.

"We do not know how people are today, we do not know what can happen in a second. And more important, Lucy, you should not deny what you are." Mavis tried to convince.

"You seem to understand that." Lucy commented thoughtfully about what she would do.

Unexpectedly, Mavis giggled, followed by a long sigh. Something that made the other blonde look more alert than the little girl would respond.

"It's not just me who refuses what I am, I know someone else who keeps denying herself, and Lucy, I certainly do not want you to be like us. You have a beautiful life ahead to be thinking these things." She said, leaving a certain mystery that Lucy realized immediately.

Lucy could hardly hide her curiosity.

"I wonder if I can find this person someday."

That Lucy's statement made Mavis face her, something she quickly noticed and quickly sought to reshape her statement by the girl's strange reaction.

"I mean, you told us little about your past. First, I did not know you had contact with people who were not from the guild." Lucy said uncertainly.

"Hah, I see, no problem!" She gave him a yellow smile so he was no stranger than he already was. "We're at the station, you'd better not talk with me." She advised.

"OK." The blonde accepted calmly.

The trip was immense tranquility, especially for the Lucy, not traveling for a long time, was dazzled by the landscape never seen since arriving in the city, the environment gradually changed as she moved away from Crocus. Returning to a city that was not so busy with that urban city climate the blonde had become accustomed to, the amount of green and nature surrounding the view brought nostalgia enough.

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