Undoing the ties

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Lucy, a little frightened, came quickly to where Mavis was located, the little girl was observing some blossoms blossoming early in the spring, while several small animals came out of their burrows, leaving the forest they loved much more colorful, noisy and lively.

As a memorable guild it was one day.

The place where the little master was also not ordinary, there was a small house very old, built long ago that despite everything, Mavis did everything to keep the building in good condition, but it was impossible.

Mavis's attention was diverted the moment she heard Lucy's heavy stride, she quickly worried about going to the blonde.

"What happened?" Asked Mavis

Tired, Lucy asked for a minute to respond, the blonde leaned against a tree and waited for the fatigue to pass.

"I ... I hid the keys very far from here, and I wanted to... hurry back to talk to my friends." She lied cheekily, but the excuse worked.

"So I guess I should leave you alone now, huh?" She asked smiling.

The blonde nodded apologetically, so Mavis set out on a walk across the island, and quickly Lucy took the first key. Her hands began to tremble, the blonde was indecisive and her gaze grew more apprehensive.

"Should I really ...?" Asked yourself, feeling a trickle of perspiration.

She sighed deeply and turned the key, reciting almost in a whisper.

"Open the lion's gate, Loki..." Her voice sounded wistful.

As Lucy turned the key to talk to her first friend, Mavis had taken a different path than she had seen before, she went to the same direction as the ravine, downstairs, and found the men with black hair in the same position as Lucy saw him before. Mavis soon heard him sighing, as if he already knew Mavis had been there since she had arrived.

"Lucy came here... and saw you, I'm sure." The blonde said suddenly, her tone of voice also was not the best.

"Exactly." He answered her without looking away, indifferent.

"... Just stay away from Lucy, okay?" Mavis asked now not looking so oppressive with the men. "She's going to stay with me all the time on the other side of the island, so it's only you stay here and in a year she's goes away."

Without answering, the dark-haired man only lay on the sand, letting the sun beat completely on his pale, cold skin, without appearing too much expression, he closed his eyes in order to sleep. This until realizing that he could not do this before answering that blonde who knew to be annoying when she wanted, in case she was going to stay there until he answered her.

"Just keep her away from me, I do not care how long she will stay." He answered with some ignorance and turned his back to Mavis.

The blonde sighed and turned around, as it was all right to keep the two distant, decided to have fun in the forest with the animals while waiting for Lucy to finish talking to the spirits. Speaking of which, Lucy was not having the conversation the way she expected it to be.

"Lucy, my love for you crosses into the wider oceans!" Loki said in the classic romantic tone. "...But I did not expect it, you know...?" He was referring to the two things Lucy had done, abandoning the keys and throwing Aquarius's key into the sea.

Instead, she gave a small ironic laugh, her repented enough that could not find words for a while until she could tell.

"Me neither." She answered in a slightly charged voice, her gaze not directed at Loki, as if she could no longer face him after all.

However, there was something else in that distant gaze of her, something that was not left aside by the spirit, he quickly realized and worried yourself.

"We forgive you, you do not have to be like this!" He said in the most affectionate voice, thinking that her mood would change.

But unfortunately it was not Lucy's mood that changed, but she herself.

"Loki." She looked him straight. "I'm breaking the contract with all my spirits."

"What?!" He was startled. "Why?!"

"For I am no more worthy to have them as my spirits, and above all, as my companions, I have forsaken you." She answered with a sad look.

In fact, two years had changed that blonde, and the decision had left Loki unconfused, he tried to change her opinion a bit, but Lucy was totally adamant about his request, she was determined and was not going to back down.

Tears wanted to form in their eyes, but none of them had the courage to leave them fall, however, Lucy took the packet of keys, including Leon's own key, and handed them to Loki.

"Hand over the keys to Yukino, in Sabertooth, I'm sure she's more deserving of keys than I am."

The subject was to have ended there, but it was too much for Loki, enough for the spirit to speak without thinking.

"You've just discarded your mother's inheritance, your magic, your contracts, and all the ties you've made with us all this time. Is that right?" His voice was low in his indignation. "We all love you too much, Lucy..."

"The only legacies of my mother that I value are her memories, and yes, I am throwing all my ties because I am afraid to do something similar to what I did with Aquarius." She explained expressionless. "I love you too, and that's why I'm doing it. Loki, sorry, but I'm not Fairy Tail's Lucy anymore."

Still, he did not want to give up, his voice was also failing, after all the tears were increasingly difficult to hold.

"But Lucy!" Before continuing, he was interrupted. The blonde lowered her head suddenly, making her tears finally fall.

"Loki! Stop making things more complicated for me, please! "That made him shut up. "I beg you... go away..."

He turned, taking a small step back, finally defeated, and before disappearing, he ended up directing a wonderful and last smile to the blonde.

"Know that our love for you is as brilliant as the stars. Regardless if you are or not the Lucy from Fairy Tail, Lucy is Lucy to us!"

And finally closed your gate.

After that, the blonde lay on the beach, crying more than a child for long and endless minutes, until an hour when she calmed down and cried too much and ended up the night of that day, with the silence interrupted only by Lucy's crickets, she was sorry.

At that time Lucy stared at the stars, remembering the last thing her friend had said as goodbye. Finally, having one last solitary tear tracing her face until fell into the sand.

And because of the stress, the blonde ended up sleeping right there.

In the middle of the bushes was a small figure that could not hold back the crying watching it.

"What a difficult decision... !" Mavis whimpered, passing the fabric of her dress over her face to wipe away her tears.



Sorry about the delay! ><

And we hope you like it.

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