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At that very moment, when he heard the blonde, the guy sighed calmly, hiding unequaled impatience, his eyes closed despite everything, and since he had been interrupted from trying to sleep that day, another interruption had made him really angry. His anger was enough for him to rise in a menacing manner and face Lucy with a lousy look.

"Look, why did you...?!" He was going to be extremely thick before he was interrupted, even violent, since he was about to kill Lucy.

The interruption in his speech simply had no sense in sight of some. However, in his vision, as soon as he rose abruptly, and opened his eyes, already uttering these words, the moment he saw her face for the first time, his voice was simply hushed. All this time, the brunet had only heard her footsteps, her voice, but never seen her face. And all that made him wide-eyed, surprised and quiet.

"...Because I...?" Lucy tried to pull him out of the instant trance, she had not understood anything.

He looked away immediately, quickly returning to sit where he had been lying down before. For some reason he felt confused, and all that anger of the annoying girl was gone as fast as it came.

"It's nothing, what you want?" He tried to keep his composure from before, avoiding looking at her.

"Uh .. I know I'm being stupid asking for it, but I really needed someone to help me train, and ... I realize you've been in the same place ever since I got here."

Still unable to look at her face, she heard him snorting in a way that mixed fatigue and various emotions, maybe all negative.

"More I'll disturb you than help. I really am the last person you should ask for help."

"But you really are the last person!" Lucy insisted, noting that more and more he was turning his head.

"Hmf..." He grunted, turning his head again, not answering her.

At that moment, he was surprised when he turned again, Lucy moved and knelt in front of him, staying face to face with the dark man again when he did not wait for it.

"I begging you!" She insisted with a look that was impossible to avoid.

All that radiant expression, and when her eyes glittered, the brunet immediately felt as if his total opposite spoke to him. After all, he had for a long time, an indefinable expression, not wanting to do anything, and lifeless eyes, that's why he could no longer divert his vision of her.

To make matters worse, the more he took to respond, more the blonde approached, more she insisted and her eyes would not escape him.

"Ok, ok, I'll think about it!" He answered by giving up and rose quickly to move away from her.

Unexpectedly for him, she grinned from ear to ear, and her eyes brightened even more as a flash of sunlight struck her face, that look seemed to literally bring the stars.

"I'm very grateful!"

Without getting answers, Lucy looked up and saw that she had a sad expression, avoiding to meet her eyes again. Before she could say anything, the boy started walking in the opposite direction of the blonde.

Even so, she did not stop smiling at him and turned around too.

...While a tear could not be avoided by tracing his face.

"What's happening to me...?" He thought, wiping away the tear before it finished your course.

And for Lucy, she was also very thoughtful as she walked toward the house Mavis had let her stay.

"What did I just do now?!" She thought frustrated with her hand on her head, getting a little disheveled. "I was extremely unkind! He was scared! And the First will be crazy if I do not show up at the house!" Gradually the blonde went from a simple walk to a desperate race against time and Mavis.

It was a few hours until Lucy arrived, when she could do it, it was late at night and...

"First, are you there...?" The blonde was looking for the little girl, who had apparently not yet arrived.

In fact, when Lucy arrived, Mavis searched desperately for the other blonde, five minutes before she arrived. And so both had an incompatibility of minutes.

As Lucy thought she had not yet arrived, she decided to continue the beginning of her workout by sitting on the beach and focusing her magic to think of a new one. Taking advantage also to rest her legs, the blonde had run half the island initially, and after her conversation with the brunet, was another half of race.

As the peace finally came to her, she was enjoying the beach breeze, Mavis had just met the boy, he was different from the last time she met him a few hours before, he was walking staring at the stars.

"Where's Lucy?" Mavis's voice came out in a menacing tone.

"I don't know, and I don't care." He replied with furrowed brows. The anger he was only remembering the blonde earlier had made him release some magic, leaving the environment more and more morbid by the plants to dry as time went on.

Obviously she did not believe it, when he was angry it was hard to hide truths.

"She came to talk to you, did not she?"

"You said you were going to keep her away from me, Mavis." He continued with a stressed look. "It seems like you want me to kill her some time."

The dark-haired man had a look of rage that Mavis not see in a long time, he was sitting with folded arms, arms tightly clasped, his strength was enough to rip the fabric of his black clothes. Having that mood, the blonde could not talk quietly.

"God, what did she do to you?! Better than this, what could she do to you?!"

"If this training is over fast, will she leave?" He asked, changing the subject.

"She go! I just want to understand why you are like this!"

However, all Mavis received in return was him turning his gaze back to the horizon.

"I feel envy of her." The brunet replied for the first time lowering his voice.

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