The name?

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Again that day, the little master had been surprised. She not taked her eyes off the dark-haired man, who was still focused on the horizon of the sea.

"What?!" Mavis laugh. "Are you with envy of a simple girl like her?"

"Yeah, so what? It can be happen" He shrugged.

"Hmm ... I do not know, maybe it's a little strange the most feared and cruel black mage in history have envy of a normal girl!" Ironized the blonde, who still wanted to know because.

"You talk like I'm not even been human."  He crossed his arms, getting irritated.

"I have my doubts, actually."

"The only demon that have here is you, tormenting me at this hour."

"Whatever, just answer me why you have envy of Lucy!"Mavis had no patience.

Tired of that conversation, he turned to face her. In that moment, Mavis saw the glitter of tears that were held in his eyes.

"Mavis... just leave me alone today, please." His voice was sad.

The speak made the blonde felt bad, and she had no answer. Also, before she could say anything, the dark haired-man spoke again, which was unusual.

"I'll help with this damn training, but after, just take her away. I beg you, get her out of here as soon as possible." Unable to hold on, his first tear fell, he turned his face quickly so Mavis would not stare at his defeated expression.

Impressed, she had never seen the dark-haired boy that way, never heard him beg so sincerely. Because of this, she gave up try make him give the answer.

Then, having some distance from him, she gave her last word, which did not come out high or low.

"It's all right..."


Later, when the little girl arrived at Lucy's camp again, she found the blonde lying on the sand, sleeping. She probably tried so hard to think of a new spell, that fallen asleep without even having time to look for a more comfortable place.

For a few moments Mavis could not stop glancing at Lucy with a thoughtful, apprehensive look.

"Why envy of her?" She wondered.

But the answer did not come. All that was heard was the breeze banging on the trees, and taking to the wind, elsewhere, a few tears of that same boy, and he for some reason failing to dodge the focus of a few stars that appeared in the sky cloudy.

"Why envy?" He wondered at the same moment that he remembered that girl.


In the morning, Mavis woke up not as animate as every day, her expression of disappointment still visible on her face. She was outraged at what had happened in her last encounter with the dark-haired man, whether she wanted to or not, she had gone too far with him.

"What am I going to do today?" She thought while came down from a tree.

She even wanted to go and call Lucy, who was just on the beach, to start the training, but at the first step of her direction, Mavis felt there was something very strange there, and quickly looked away. That dark-haired boy was sit leaning against a stone, his expression was more stressed than any living thing could do.

"Holy crap, why this face?" The little master was indignant.

But it was not necessary for him to respond.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2020 ⏰

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