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⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ In this will have a rape crime towards a child, but do not worry no descriptive scenes will take place.

At the age of five, little Dakota so far, lived a happy life. Her mother, Matilda, was a fitness trainer. Her father, Greg, was a lawyer. Both parents worked hard, but always made time for their daughter. Dakota was an only child, so at times she felt really lonely when her parents worked. Her only real friend was her babysitter, Angela. Angela was a 16 year old high school student. To Dakota's parents she was a smart and responsible girl, but they never went deeper into Angela's life.

Angela was failing school, drinking, smoking, doing any drugs she could get her hands on. Why is Angela a babysitter? Money. Dakota's parents are very wealthy, so to Angela the more time she spends with Dakota, the more money she gets. Angela is a very sneaky girl. For example, tonight there was a house party...

"Are you sure I can go Angie?" Little Dakota asked Angela, but used Angela's nickname.

Angela tried hard not to roll her eyes and put on that fake smile she always wore around Dakota. Angela put on Dakota's jacket and zipped it up while saying,

"Yes Dakota." She said simply, but Dakota felt something was off.

"Alright. Now we are going to my friends house. He has lots of food and you can bring your toys. You even have a special room." Angela said trying to sound excited, so Dakota would be too.

Dakota's hand was grabbed gently by Angela's and was carefully pulled along. Angela had a bag of toys for Dakota and even some crackers. Angela pulled Dakota along to her car, placing her in the backseat. Dakota noticed she didn't have a car seat and made that very clear to Angela.

"I need a car seat." She stated.

Angela this time let out a small sigh, "Your getting big Dakota. Big girls need to sit out of the car seat." Angela said lying.

Angela gently pushed Dakota in her car, then buckled her in tightly. Angela smiled at Dakota, then slammed the door shut. As Angela walked around the car, she rolled her eyes then, irritated. Yes she could leave Dakota home, but Angela still had some warmth in her heart. Though in her addictive state, she knew there was going to be drinking and drugs, she craved that.

Angela hopped into the drivers seat and looked behind her, smiling at Dakota. Dakota shared her a worried look and it was irritating Angela more, but she kept on her poker face and reassuringly said,

"Dakota I promise nothing bad will happen. It's good to get out."

"But what about mommy and daddy?" Dakota said, wanting to know if her parents were completely ok with this.

"I talked to your parents and they said it was fine." Angela said, lying through her teeth.

Dakota thought for few seconds, before nodding. That time Angela did really smile, but in victory. Angela looked forward and placed her car in drive, heading off to the house party. You may be wondering where Dakota's parents are and that's because they are at an event. Angela had four hours before Dakota's parents would be home, plenty of time to have her fun.

It was a 30 minute drive to Angela's friends house, but they made it. Angela got out of the car first, quickly walking over and opening Dakota's door. Angela unbuckled Dakota's seat belt, but instead of letting Dakota walk, she picked her up and carried her. Angela was not risking loosing Dakota through the mob of drunk and/or high teens.

Dakota looked around, seeing so many people. The air smelled weird and it was so loud. The music was blaring and hurting her delicate ears. Angela grabbed Dakota's bag full of toys and snacks, then quickly slammed her car door shut. Angela smirked and walked through the crowd in the front yard of the house, heading inside. The music was even louder inside, making Dakota cover her ears. Angela smiled at some people and even said hi, but her mission was to get Dakota upstairs and out of the way.

Angela saw the flight of stairs and saw her friend, who through the party. His name was Zack and when he saw Angela, he gestured her over with his hand. Angela smiled and followed Zack up the stairs, then followed him into a room. 

"She can stay in here." Zack said taking a sip from his red solo cup, that was filled with some alcoholic beverage.

Angela smiled and placed Dakota on the floor, making her sit. Angela placed the bag of toys on the ground, taking out Dakota's toys and snacks. Then Angela looked at Dakota with all seriousness in her expression,

"You do not leave this room. Understand?" Dakota nodded and so did Angela, who also shared a smile, "I will be back in a  few hours. If something's happens or you need anything, there is a phone in here. I left my number in the bag."

Dakota only nodded again and with that Angela left, closing the door behind her. Angela looked at Zack,

"Are you sure she will be ok in there?"

Zack smirked, "Yes, now grab a drink. The others have been waiting."

Angela smirked as well and walked back downstairs, following Zack into the crazy crowd of drunken teens.

Dakota has been sitting in the same room for two hours already. She was hungry and tired. She tried calling Angela, but she received nothing. By now Angela was drunk, to busy to even notice her phone vibrating in her pocket. Dakota knew something was wrong. Dakota made the right decision and picked up the phone, dialing a number her parents taught her, in case there was an emergency. She dialed 911, quickly getting an answer.

"Hello this is 911, what is your emergency?" Dakota heard another female on the other end of the phone.

"Hello. M-My name is Dakota." Dakota started off, her voice shaky.

The operator knew something was wrong just by how Dakota's tone was, "What's the matter honey?"

"M-My babysitter took me to a party. She won't help me." Dakota said, now tears flowing down her face.

"Ok honey, can you tell me where you are. Do you have an address?" The operator asked, already tracking into Dakota's signal, just in case.

"I am at my babysitters friends house...Um she kept me in a room up-upstairs..." Dakota said, trying to keep her throat clear from her sobs.

"Ok I just need you to stay on the phone with me. Ok honey?"

Dakota nodded, but quickly said, "Ok..."

Just as the operator was about to speak again, someone barged into the room Dakota was in. Dakota screamed, but it couldn't be heard by all the noise. Dakota could hear the operator on the other line, but her focus was on the man that just entered the room. He wobbled around and almost fell on the floor, but he caught his balance by leaning against the wall. Then he saw Dakota.

"Please help me!" Dakota said into the phone, fearful of the drunk man.

The drunk man seemed to show a small smirk and quickly closed the door. Dakota backed into a corner, hearing the operator ask,

"Hun what is going on?"

"There is man in here! He shut the door! Please help me!"

The operator remained calm, "The police are on their way. I need to you to fight and scream. Scream loudly."

Dakota nodded, but let out a scream of fear as the phone was ripped from her hands and smashed onto the ground. Dakota cried as the man walked closer to her, whom then bent down to her height, reaching his hand towards her. The man gently caressed Dakota's face, but she was having none of that. Dakota bit his hand, making him pull back.

"Son of a bitch!" He shouted, trying to soothe the bite pain out of his hand.

Dakota ran passed the man, but didn't get far, as she was grabbed on thrown onto the bed. Dakota flared her legs and screamed as loud as she could, but her cries of help were only muffled, as the man placed one of his hands over her mouth. Dakota cried as the man began to unbuckle his pants...

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