C H A P T E R 2

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"What do you mean he just disappeared?" Jessie asked.

Dakota dropped her little brother off at her parents house, while Dakota went to Jessie's' place. Dakota told story about what happened at the mall, detail to detail, not missing anything. As Dakota's explained the ending, her mind wondered off to the the man that help her.

"Dakota?" Jessica said, giving her firmed a weird look, who was just staring at the floor. Jessie gently nudged Dakota's shoulder, causing her thoughts to leave her head.

"What?" Dakota asked, wishing for Jessie to repeat what she just said.

Jessie smirked, "What are you thinking about?"

Dakota gave Jessie a look, "What are you talking about?"

"Well you have that look when you are really thinking. And you usually it's about something. Or maybe this time is it someone?" Jessie said, still having that sly smirk on her face.

Dakota scoffed, "I have no idea what you are talking about, nor do I want to know."

Jessie rolled her eyes, but she wasn't done yet, "So, what did you 'hero' look like?"

Dakota was glad Jessie dropped the other subject, or so she thought. "Well he was tall, had dark hair, some facial hair. He had these..." Dakota started smiling a little, which made Jessie inch closer to her friend, "Amazing blue eyes. He was well built-"

"Did he have large muscles?" Jessie asked smirking as Dakota continued to star at the floor with a small smile.

"Yea they were quite large. And then his voice... Gosh is voice was so deep and clear."

Jessie continued to smirk as Dakota snapped out of her weird daze, looking up at Jessie to see her smirk.


"So maybe if you find him again, get his number. Go out together."

Dakota gave Jessie like she grew two heads, "I don't like him!" She stated.

Jessie smiled, "I didn't say that..."

Dakota rolled her eyes, "I don't like him! I don't even know him or his name... He was just a helpful man. That's all."

Jessie held her hands up in defense, "Whatever you say Dakota. Well if you ain't interested, maybe if I find out if he is single, I'all take him out on a date."

Dakota looked at Jessie with a shocked face, "Wh-What?"

Jessie smirked, "Who knows we may get along..."

Dakota shook her head, "That's not a good idea at all!"

Jessie scoffed, "Why not?"

Dakota huffed, "Because... You don't know him!"

Jessie laughed, "You so like him!"

Dakota her eyes, "No I don't!"

Jessie nodded her head, "Come on Dakota. This is the first I have seen your face light about when we talk about a man. It's ok to think is attractive and it's ok to like even you don't know him that's well. You have a crush."

Dakota groaned, "I don't like-"

Jessie rolled her eyes that time, "Stop lying to yourself. Dakota I know that in the past you went through something traumatic, but don't let it get in the way of your future..."

Dakota frowned as Jessie continued, "Dakota your a very attractive female who is going to attract a lot of men. Yes some are gonna shitheads, but there are the good guys."

Dakota let Jessie's words sink in, but questioned it, "What if... What if it happens again? What if I get hurt?"

Jessie frowned, "It won't. And IF it does, which it won't, I and you family will be there for you. Like you said before you do not this man. Maybe if you gave him a chance, he could turn out to be the most amazing man you have ever met."

Dakota sighed, "But, what if he isn't?"

Jessie smirked, "Then you leave him to me..."

Dakota rolled her eyes and smiled just slightly, "I am being serious!"

Jessie giggled, "I am too!"

Dakota went back to frowning, "I'll... Think about it. Beside I will probably never see him again..."

Jessie shrugged, "Never know miracles can happen..."

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