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Dakota cried as the man walked closer to her, whom then bent down to her height, reaching his hand towards her. The man gently caressed Dakota's face, but she was having none of that. Dakota bit his hand, making him pull back.

"Son of a bitch!" He shouted, trying to soothe the bite pain out of his hand.

Dakota ran passed the man, but didn't get far, as she was grabbed on thrown onto the bed. Dakota flared her legs and screamed as loud as she could, but her cries of help were only muffled, as the man placed one of his hands over her mouth. Dakota cried as the man began to unbuckle his pants...

It's been 15 years and Dakota still carries on the memories, which drift into her dreams. I know some of you may be wondering what happened and how did Dakota live to see another day. Well here is how it happened...


Five year old Dakota laid in the bed sobbing and crying for help. She laid there naked, bruised, and even scratched from the mans finger nails. Luckily the man had left, leaving Dakota by herself. Angela, Dakota's babysitter, was drunk and high. She forgot all about Dakota and decided to drive back to her place. Though that was a big mistake. That day Angela died in a car crash at age 16...

Dakota was found by Angela's drunken friend, Zack, who was responsible for the party. Zack was the one who called 911, knowing there was nothing else to do. The cops arrived and so did Dakota's parents, who were worried sick. Dakota was picked up by a male officer and wrapped in blanket. Dakota was carried outside and her parents saw her. The two parents were devastated and followed after there daughter.

Unfortunately only one of them could ride with her in the ambulance car, so her mother went. Her father quickly went back to there car and followed closely behind the ambulance. Dakota was blinded by a bright light and then felt something wrap around her arm. Dakota held her mother's hand tightly as she was rushed to the hospital...

((Flashback Ends))

Dakota is now 20 years old and has been haunted by those memories ever since. She has never been in a relationship, mostly out of fear. She does not fear when looking at a man, she fears when they touch. Even if it's an innocent touch, such as a handshake or even a small poke, causes her to panic. The only man she allows to be near her and touch her is her father. He is the only man she trusts.

Dakota was an only child 15 years ago, but 10 years ago Dakota's baby brother was born. His name is Adam and is 10 years old, as you probably already know. Dakota adored her little brother, she loved him very much and was always by his side. They had a strong relationship with each other. Adam now knows what happened to Dakota and always has her back, he is now the annoying overprotective little brother.

Moving on, today is the first day of summer vacation. Dakota has already finished two years of college, so she has two more years to go, till she graduates. During Dakota's summer breaks she spends more time with her family and her best friend Jessie.

On Dakota's first year of college she needed to stay in a dorm room, that was the rule. Her roommate was Jessie and that's how it all began. The two were inseparable. Jessie lives on her own now, but always visits Dakota everyday. If you want to know a little more about Jessie, she is the same age as Dakota,  and she has five brothers that live with her parents.

As said before today is the first day of summer vacation and Dakota decided to take Adam out. Adam decided to go to the mall, because his birthday was a month ago, he got birthday money to spend. Jessie wanted to tag along once she got the news and Dakota gladly let her come along.

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