C H A P T E R 3

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The grocery store was not that busy today which was good, since Dakota had to pick up a few things. She pushed her cart around, looking at the shelves of food. When she found the item she was looking for she grabbed it and put it in her cart. She left that isle and went to the next, that is until she saw someone very familiar. She backed away quickly, turning her cart around and walked away. It was him. The man who helped her.

Why is he here?! Why did he have to be here now!?

She forgot a out her cart and left it, walking out of the store. She went to her car quickly, getting in and letting out a deep breath. Then she looked to her side and saw him again. Luckily he couldn't see her, so she watched. He wore something a little different today. A grey right shirt, black pants, and same boots.

She watched as he went into a truck, but sadly he had tinted windows and couldn't see him anymore. She sighed and decided to just leave and go home. She started her car and left the parking lot, going on the highway. As she drove in peace, she heard a commotion. Then she screamed as her car was being flipped over.

Her car was upside down on the side of the road. She had trouble unbuckling herself. leg since she was upside down. When she was right side up again and gasped at what she saw. In the middle of the road we're two giant robots. They fought each other, but the black one was winning.

She watched as the other went down and it wasn't moving. She looked at the black one, who looked back at her. She panicked as it moved towards her car and watched as it ripped of her drivers side door.

She backed away as it's hand moved toward her, but she gasped as it grabbed her. She was in shock and couldn't react properly. She couldn't fight or scream, but then she fainted....


"So you brought her here?! Why!!??"

Dakota was conscious, but she kept her eyes closed. She listened closely as two interesvoice conversed.

"Don't yell at me Ratchet! I had to bring her here! What else as a suppose to do?!"

"Primus I swear Ironhide-"

"Enough." A booming voice said, it's voice deep. The the voice spoke again, "She is awake."

Dakota opened her eyes slowly, her vision slightly blurry. She looked around on her right side, seeing nothing but a wall. Then she looked to her left side and panic brewed. She stared at the three large robots, frozen in her place.

"Slaggit! She is in shock."

The yellow one stepped closer to her gently, "Ma'am we will not hurt you. Just please calmly breath, we don't need to you to faint on us again."

Dakota just stared at the bot, not moving an inch, afraid it will attack and kill her instantly. Then she heard one of them grumble,

"Just breath femme." That voice... Its seemed familiar...

She looked over to the black robot. The same one from before, who fought the other robot on the highway. She back away slowly, but felt she was already on the edge of the bed she wa laid on.

"Miss we mean you no harm. You were exporting a battle and car wreck, you had canister as my soldier here tried to help you."

Dakota saw the last robot, his colors red and blue. His voice was deep, deeper than the others. Dakota breath slowly,

"Wh-Where am I?" She asked shakily.

"You are on a military base. We have brought you here to recover.

Dakota was about to ask another question, till she heard a new voice.

"How is she?"

She looked over happy to see a man, a human man. He had on military clothing, so the robot was telling the truth.

"Glad your awake and ok! Are you hungry? Or thirsty?"

Dakota nodded, "A little thirsty..."

The man nodded, "When Ratchet here gives the ok, I can take you to get some water. My names is Major William Lennox at your service."

Dakota nodded, but grew uncomfortable as the robots continued to stare at her. Lennox was confused for a moment as to why she showed dicomfort, till he realized her gaze was on the bots.

"Hey! Don't worry about them. They are good, they won't hurt you I promise. They work along side us."

Dakota looked at him weirdly, "Us?"

Lennox nodded and smiled, "These guys are the Autobots..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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