part 12 | public

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-lauren's p.o.v-
I glanced over at Daniel, and he gave me a small smile. Kassidy was so happy about Jonah asking her out.

"Remember when I asked you out?" Dani whispered in my ear.

"Yes, I remember like it was yesterday." I whispered back.

"Hey secrets don't make friends." Zach said. Sandra looked at him and then at us with no expression on her face.

"Is there something you'd like to tell us Lauren?" Kassidy's asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Well..." Daniel said.

"I guess we might as well tell them." I said, taking a deep breath.

"We are a couple." We both said.

"I knew it!" Jonah said. I rolled my eyes at him. Kassidy flipped when Sandra didn't react like she did.

"Sandra aren't you happy for her?" Kassidy asked.

"I am. But I already knew." She quietly said.

"Oh..did you find out that day I came downstairs and everyone was super awkward in the kitchen?" She asked. Sandra nodded her head.

"Well, Lauren and I told Kass and Jonah..why don't you and Sandra tell them." Daniel told Zach.

"We aren't, official yet." Zach said. "Yes I do like her..but it has to be the right time."

"Yeah. What he said." Sandra said.

"Oh..okay." Kassidy said. "Well now that it's over, we should probably head back down stairs."

We all walked downstairs and everyone was talking when we went back down. I sat on the couch and dani sat next to me. He put his arm around me, and I looked at him and smiled. The rest of the guys and girls should know, I mean it's not really a secret anymore.

"I love you so much princess" dani whispered.

"I love you more." I whispered back, looking into his eyes. That's one of my favorite things about Daniel...his eyes. When I first saw him I fell in love. The way his eyes sparkle, even if we aren't in the sun, the shade of blue is just so gorgeous. God I love him so much. What would I do without him.

Dani and I walked to a nearby park and sat on the swings. We just talked about our childhood and everything. Someone came by and asked if we wanted he to take a picture of us. She was an older lady so we smiled and nodded. Daniel handed her his phone and he sat back down on the swings and held my hand. We laughed, Daniel went got his phone back and thanked the woman. We looked at the few pictures and I felt a big smile cross my face. But then it faded.

"What wrong baby girl?" He asked.

"I just love these pictures so much. But we can't post them cause I know your fans will freak." I explained. Daniel has a lot of fans due to him being on American Idol a few years back.

"I know babe. But one day...I promise you the whole world will know that you are mine." He said.
Daniel and I said our good nights and I went off to bed. I put my phone under my pillow and closed my eyes. Before I could fall asleep my phone vibrated. I grabbed my phone and I got a notification from Instagram 'seaveydaniel tagged you in a post'. My eyes widened, I unlocked my phone and quickly opened Instagram. It was the picture of us holding hands and laughing on the swings. The caption said
"listen guys, I have something important to say. This girl right here, she is my best friend, my other half, my soul mate. I love her so very much, and I don't want you guys to hate on her. If you love me and want me to be happy...then you will love her. ❤️"

things are about to get twisty...again.

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