part 23 | zachel

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-rachel's p.o.v-

Over the time period of Sandra leaving and everything, I've felt very lonely. Sandra and I were always together. Not as much as her and Lauren but we were still really close and I've been feeling kinda lonely lately. Jonah, Kassidy and Sandra are all gone. Lauren is always with Daniel, Kelsey is always with Corbyn, Zach and Jack are always playing video games or something. I'm just left alone.

I sat at the table in the kitchen drinking some tea, while everyone was still asleep. I suddenly heard someone running across the house and decided to ignore it. I just continued scrolling through twitter.

"Hey Rachel what are you doing up so early?" Zach said, making me jump a little.

"I could ask you the same question!" I replied, he smiled at me causing me to feel butterflies in my stomach.

"I'm going to take a jog before the rest of the guys wake up, wanna join?" he asked, pushing his hand through his hair.

God damn this boy was attractive.

"um, sure. Let me go grab my shoes." I said, finishing my tea. I placed my cup in the sink and ran upstairs to grab somethings. I came back downstairs and Zach was waiting for me at the door.

"ready?" he asked, giving me a soft smile.

"ready as I'll ever be!" I said, giving him a smile back.

We left the house and started jogging. We kinda jogged in silence for a good five minutes and then I almost got hit by a car.

"holy mother of God." I said, stopping to take a breath.

"are you okay?" Zach asked, placing his arm around my shoulder. "people in LA seriously can't drive."

"you're telling me." I said. "we should probably get back."

"yeah, let's go. and we should walk not jog. don't want you actually getting hit by a car!" he replied.

"haha, very funny." I said, punching his shoulder. Even though I was feeling really lonely, Zach and I are actually getting a lot closer. Right before we entered the driveway, Zach stopped me.

"Zach did you almost get hit by a car?" I asked, slapping my knee while laughing.

"No, I wanna tell you something." he said, scratching the back of his neck.

"what is it?" I asked him.

"I like you Rachel--like a lot. and I know we aren't really close yet but I'd like to take you out sometime." he said. My heart stopped for a second and we sat there for about ten seconds.

"I like you too Zachary." I said, a smirk crossing my face.

"don't call me that." he said, we walked down the driveway and he intertwined our hands.

I knew that this....was the start of something different.



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