part 28 | break up

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*jacks p.o.v*
Staying in Sandra's house for two weeks was probably the worst thing ever. It was awkward and I couldn't handle the emotions. So I went out as much I could. I would hangout with Aspen, she was here for me through everything. My only problem was I couldn't find myself to actually like her...I was still in love with Sandra. I just continued to pretend to like Aspen.

"So what are we doing today?" The guys asked as we are breakfast.

"I'm hanging with Aspen today." I said, the guys all gave me a look and we all heard something crash. I turned my head to look in the kitchen and Sandra had dropped a plate.

"Sandra are you okay?" Corbyn asked, running over to help her clean up the mess.

"I am perfectly fine!" she replied, smiling angrily.

"Is everything okay?" Corbyn asked.

"can we talk alone?" she asked him.

"Yeah, guys I'll be back." He said leaving the room. As they left, I looked at the guys and we just started talking about something. My phone went off, I got a text from Aspen telling me she was ready to meet up and hangout.

"hey guys, I'm leaving. I'll be back later." I told them.

"Okay dude, but maybe you should actually start hanging with us more. you've been going out everyday." Jonah explained.

"yeah. sure. whatever. see ya." I said, walking out.

*sandra's p.o.v*

"what happened?" Corbyn asked as we sat on my bed. I took a deep breath and cleared my throat.

"Noah and I broke up." I said, calmly.

"what? why?!" he asked.

"I love him, and he loves me. but only as a best friend. we just...we came to the decision together. we just weren't working." I explained.

"I am sorry Sandra." he said.

"don't be, Noah has been my best friend for years. It was just awkward." I explained. "and we are still friends."

"so what are you really upset about then?" he asked me.

"can I be honest with you?" I asked.

"you know you can tell me anything." he told me.

"I'm upset about Jack." I started. "him being here and seeing him's upsetting me."

"he was your first love." Corbyn said.

"he was. and I don't know how I'll ever get over him." I told him.

"I think you need to tell him all of this." He explained.

"He doesn't want to talk to me. He wants to be with Aspen." I said, rolling my eyes as I said her name. She was a terrible person. All she does is think of herself and she doesn't even love Jack.

"You NEED to talk to him." He started. "when he gets home, you will talk to him. even if I have to lock you two outside all night."

"you wouldn't dare." I said.

"try me." He said.

"fine...I'll try. but I can't promise anything." I sighed.
I saw Jack pull up into the driveway, in the rental car they rented, from my bedroom window. All the guys were in the backyard so I ran to the front door and opened it.

"oh my gosh you" Jack said, his smiled faded when he saw me.

"Jack...can we talk?" I asked. He turned the other way and started walking away...

sorry I haven't updated in awhile, but I hope you enjoy my little cliffhanger :)
/let me know what you think in the comments\

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