Chapter 3_Abrupt Fall

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Lancer woke up to the suffocation of dust and old wood, webs sticking to his tight attire. In reaction to his many years of battle experience, he immediately lifted himself up and snatched his lance, which wasn't so far away from him. He poised with his knees and spine bent, his feet planted go the ground.

He immediately pointed his weapon to where his senses were alerted of the presence of Archer. He didn't know how to describe this aura, or much to say, react to the feel of Archer near him. Archer's presence is different, compared to the many others he fought. Archer kept him on edge, his gaze striking him like pins and needles sticking to his skin but not breaking it, the cause of this reaction may relate to the shroud of mystery around the man in red. But sometimes, when the air was lighter from shared teasing, Lancer around the other man's presence felt like he was wrapped around a sort of warm hearth and they would both smile at each other, showing their excitement when there was no hate, just the need to satisfy their battle modes.

Today, feeling Archer's aura, the man doesn't seem to be in a good mood. He's in the right mood to kill somebody, and sadly, it was only Lancer in the room. He turned around and around, surveying the room where the clouds of dust complicated his eyesight. He spotted the silhouette of the man and Lancer swung his lance, to clear away the cloud. The point of an arrow winked at him, attached to a bow and string and until the arms controlling it are revealed from the clearing veils of dust. The moment he met Archer's eyes, he knew the target mark was already on his forehead as the arrow flies.

But it disappeared half-way just as Lancer was about to pounce, but as he gripped the weapon tighter around his fingers, the width thins until his fingers snap close to empty air; the weight and cool of his lance, gone. He tilted his head down just in time to see the lance fade from existence, magically.

"What is this?" He groaned.

He lifted his gaze to Archer, a surprised expression on his opponent's face as his eyes redirected the glow of his bow which vanishes as well, red dusts merging into the thinness of air. Two daggers appear on his hands but they quickly disperse like dusts in the wind.

The two stare at one another, the two of them, unarmed. They were both too absorbed with thoughts to go for each other's throats, to think why it has resulted to their weapons to vanishing. They clenched their fists, their eyes are glory flashed with red. The two charged towards each other. As they both take their first steps, with their fists lifted in the air, an invisible wave slaps into their bodies, and like quick poison, conquers the rest of their beings and they both lose the strength of their bodies in unexpected course.

In the end, it came to a collision, and not a very graceful one at that. Lancer had gained more advantage at his stepping so he was more likely to be the one leaning forward and the one who shall slowly fall on Archer. Wide-eyed, they stare at each other with the atonement of time slowing down for them. Lancer's knees bump into Archer's legs and he falls on him, his weight coming to rest on the body beneath.

During the fall, Lancer's mind was blurred, as if he was nauseated from just a brief fall. He blinked his eyes close and felt himself press against Archer as they both fell. Feelings of disarray captured him until Lancer fully regained himself. He showed surprise as he opened his eyes to a horizon of silver. But it wasn't the sky or any cloud; scenery of silver, bright and clear, and reflecting Lancer's blue eyes dotting small hues into the gala. It took quite some time, as Lancer was drawn to those pair of objects, for the man in blue to figure out what they were.

It was Archer's eyes.

Upon recognition, the rest of Archer emerged into his field of sight, and behold his face!

A blush blemished his cheeks, waves of heat battering his face. He had just literally admired Archer! The wave of shock, he thought it would traumatize him. Lancer sucked in a breath, but with it, the scent of Archer drifting to his nose, another assault to his being. With the combination of the sharp senses of his nose and tongue, he almost tasted the man's scent. And like a bombardment, scarlet exploded in his face.

This couldn't get any worse!

Lancer thought his body was squirming but his body wasn't moving at all and he was falling back and forth from consciousness.

On the other hand, Archer could only stare at the man's weird color-changing because he too was at the same state of paralysis.

Archer too couldn't move his body at all, that he couldn't even command a twitch, or blink. His sense of touch wasn't working much, like he was sacked in a bag of numbness. Meanwhile, Lancer was forced on that position, whatever position his body has taken after collapsing on Archer. For now, he only knows he collapsed on the other man who is sitting up and that he knows is that his head is resting on the man's chest and-sadly-tilted up at just at the right angle, to perfectly meet the gaze of the Archer'a gray eyes-And it was incredibly annoying!

Lancer marked this as the worst kind of situation ever, to unable to tear away or at least blink his eyes close. If he had any power left in his body, he used it to grit his teeth menacingly at the man. On the other hand, Archer did the same, contorting his face to an expression of annoyance and anger. For a while, they could feel strings of strength return to their systems. And came their senses of touch, which was returned to them. Lancer felt his body heavily pressed on Archer, and he felt his side pressured on Archer's fine torso, with his body resting between the other man's legs. If this was a couple's thing right now, it would have been okay but they definitely weren't a couple and they were enemies; it was behind awkward and embarrassing.

Once they could feel their strength returning, and mustered enough strength, they both pulled away from each other. Lancer landed on his butt while Archer stood to lean on the post which he rested on, but they couldn't feel any strength to stand or make any further strains to their body after. They stared into the eyes of the other menacingly before an interruption erupted.

A voice interrupted the silence.


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