Chapter 11: Difficult Predicament

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The readers of this book are probably the most patient people on this planet, xD. I'm really sorry, I'm the type who doesn't publish every week, I hoard my chapters, publish everything I've written in one go. I have like four unfinished fanbooks and I cancelled two of them, I kept this one for the sake of you guys :D. I hoard chapters because I want to stay consistent, like, I have space to edit or scrap chapters whenever I change my mind (AND I ALWAYS change my mind) so I hope you understand :(. I cannot keep promises apparently ahuhuhu.

Also, I realized I was writing the book in past tense and continued it with present tense. So sorry for that, I went back to update those.

Thanks for bringing this book to #3 fategrandorder! And other rankings but that's the highest one I've got for this book :3

"'re Archer?" Lancer asked, catching up to the man as he walked away as if he had done little to nothing just earlier. The spearman's heart was still beating fast from the simple contact to his lips but he tried to nonchalantly disregard it.

"I am, but I'm not the one that you know of," Archer replied, facing the wall, whipping out his guns from thin air, "We're alter versions, and that's all you have to know."

Well, he's still the same in terms of personality, but the usual sass wasn't as hurtful. This Archer seemed to tolerate him at the very least, or from the way the long glance directed at Lancer's way a while ago, comfortable with him?

Lancer stared into his chest again, at the gold roots, it had stretched out into his sharp shoulder blades but his attention doesn't last long as he noticed the man's amazing body structure. Archer always did wear the tightest clothes that showed off his sculptured pecs, but this one was bare from the chest and abdomen. He could see not just the outline anymore but the very movement of his muscle.

Realizing his long look-over, he sheepishly lifted up his gaze to face an amused smirk, flinching at the act of being caught.

"We've only just met but you're already so adorable," Archer smirked, gold eyes narrowing at him, pulling him in, alluring and beautiful.

Lancer blushed but he tried shaking it off, looking away.

"I'm not..."

The dark man shrugged but clearly still amused, resuming his stance in facing the wall. Lifting his hands, guns materialized once again in his hands and he shoots, dust and debris flying towards them. As Servants, they simply brushed it off, unnaffected. As the dust settled, a large hole gaped where it was just a glowing wall a while ago, revealing a passageway; the light of the room fading to the tunnel's darkness.

Lancer is in awe at how easily this Archer had broken through a wall he couldn't bypass himself, as well as defeating the doll. Were the alter Servants even stronger versions of themselves?

"How did you do it?" Lancer asked in awe.

"I'd like to answer your question but she'd overhear us," Archer replied stepping into the tunnel. Lancer followed suit, tossing the spear on his shoulder.

"Ask me another one."

Lancer took another question into consideration. "How did you know it was here? The tunnel?"

"There's always an out in some of the rooms, specially the difficult ones. If I didn't arrive, I don't think you'd have been so lucky..." His mind seemed to have wandered elsewhere, as he a thought stole him away from continuing and Lancer waited for him to answer as they walked further into the darkness, leaving the blue light of the previous room behind them.

Finally, Archer speaks up again. "I'll answer your questions when we reach the next level, whatever she has in store for us, knowing that we're paired together now."

They walked in silence but Lancer respected it. Archer was so confident, so strong but something wad bothering him.

A flash suddenly swallowed the darkness and they are both consumed by it's blinding light, throwing up their arms to protect their eyes from it's assult. Upon opening his eyes, Lancer eyed the room, breathing a sigh of relief knowing that Archer was still by his side. They've been teleported apparently. Much to his shock, the room was a normally human one with no other able bodies but themselves.

The room was extravagant, graced by shades of red and gold. The furniture seemed to match the Tohsaka family's grand tastes, noble, antique and fashioned after western tastes. The wood within the room is a brownish red, furnished and carved beautifully. However, the room was small, composing of two large sofas facing againts each other with a small rectangular table at the center. A large chandelier dimly lights the room from above, and the fireplace emits a warm welcoming glow that swallows the room. Some glass shelves lined up the sides, resting on the wall plastered in red, drawn with royal vector.

The windows are drawn, and the edges of the room are dark from where the fire's light could not reach them. Overall, it was a dark, rustic and atmospheric setting, but it gave off an unfathomable tension for Lancer. Nothing in the room indicated what they were supposed to do in order to move on to the succeeding
level and there were no doors present, an even darker thought. Was it supposed to be another surprise? The spearman didn't appreciate the thought at all.

Lancer's attention is immediately drawn in by the glass shelves upon cognizance. Inside the shelves are antique objects, one of them could contain the magical relics they've been searching this place for in the first place. He stepped forward on instinct but a hand on his wrist stopped him. He looked to the other man who has a smile to his face, paired with an almost seductive gaze. Lancer raised a brow at him, the grip on his hand, hot and seeping through the dark blue cloth. Archer leaned towards him, an inch near his face, his breaths hot on his skin, but his words are different from the face he gave. "Careful, she's watching."

A warning. Archer's gaze flitted to the direction of the table and he looked at what he was emphazing at. A lit candle stood near a golden plate siting on the middle, with several questionable items placed on it. A mistletoe, a three leaf clover, an apple, and what seems like red ribbons, placed meticulously on the plate.

All items except the mistletoe symbolizing celtic symbols for love, something Lancer was severely familiar with. What makes it worse are the ribbons that must have been a failed attempt at love knots. His face heated up and Archer caught his attention once again with a tug on his sleeve.

"Let's play along," he whispers, smiling and pulling the reluctant spear man towards the sofa.
I'll be dropping bonus images because I can't help it :p

 ______I'll be dropping bonus images because I can't help it :p

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