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The older boy had grown extremely attached to the other, even though he had only seen him once. He would come by the place they first met every day, hoping he'd see him some time soon.

The area always still had a fresh scent of the prostitute, as if he had just left, which he did, leaving Hyunwoo with nothing but other prostitutes, which he assumed were Minhyuk's friends, ogling him weirdly.

He missed the younger, a lot.

That certain day, though, he had come to see the male a bit earlier, and finally, after such a long time, he had been able to see him again.

The boy looked stunning as ever, his haired dyed a bleached blonde which suited him more than it would any person on the entire planet, making Hyunwoo wonder if it was legal to be this attractive.

He walked up to him with a wide smile plastered on his face.

When he noticed the older, muscly male, his eyes went wide in shock.

He wasn't supposed to be here so early, he wasn't supposed to see him.

The mere sight of the brown-haired boy made the butterflies in the male's stomach erupt.

He forgot all about his prohibition, not to get attached, the moment he saw him. He was not-so-subtly admiring him, as he walked closer and closer to the frozen blonde.

He was smiling his oh-so-perfect smile, showing his perfect white teeth to him as he mouthed out an "I miss you" to him, making the younger smile.

Taking the brunette by surprise, he hugged him, hard, just wanting to feel his warmth. The older didn't take long to hug him back, brushing the prostitute's hair with his hand.

The younger felt safe, happy almost, as they pulled away. The boy gave him a hundred dollar bill, taking him by his hand.

As the bill was being taken by the blonde, the other male had already grabbed him by his hand.

He dragged him to a nearby café. "Today, we're doing something different."

The boy confusedly nodded, ordering a caramel hot chocolate with whipped cream and M&Ms(not the peanut ones) on top, making Hyunwoo chuckle at his child-like taste and attitude in awe.

As they sat down, there was a silence for a while. Not an awkward silence, a comfortable one, which Minhyuk then broke, asking the other "How do you get all this money? Aren't you just a college student?". The boy's smile never left his face as he replied "I am, and my parents aren't really rich either. I just have a super lame part-time job, and I never spend the money I earn there... Well, I didn't, until now.".

The boy just smiled, nodding, impressed with the hard-working boy.

They didn't talk about anything important for the next few hours. They just talked of whatever came to their minds, enjoying each other's company.

Neither of them would admit it out loud, but they were the happiest they had been in a couple years, or more.

And neither of them realised that it was because they were catching feelings.

I'm kind of done with lowercase bc idk I just cant.

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