Chapter 5:Stupid Sun

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After I had a shower I had fallen asleep in the clothes Nicks parents had got me but the top was uncomfortable so I slept in my black Lacey bra and the denim shorts they got me in the extremely comfy bed and woke up to the stupid sun yet again..

"stupidsundbadosungopooyaselfstupidstupidshowjusywearstupidsunglassedwhydontya" The mumbling went on as I finally decided to get up in my lazy ass.

I heard a knock on the door that scared the living daylights out of me that I ended up falling off my bed so I was on the floor and the quilt still on the bed.

"Come in!"I shouted from the floor I was too lazy to get up so I just hugged the floor.

"Morning sleeping beauty well guess wha- ..why are you on the floor?"then he bit his lip,why?

"Felt like giving the floor a nice welcoming hug,it deserves it"i mumbled to him.He looked shocked and then smirked.Instantly after that he got out his phone and top a few pictures of me,then smiled at himself.

"Excuse me why you taking pictures you perv?!"I then decided to get up to see and then he grabbed me by the waist and whispered in my ear "your beautiful"

I felt tingles in my neck but decided to ignore them,I felt his warm hands on my skin,but how?I was wearing a top?

I finally got his phone and realised I had slept in my freaking bra!

"Oh my Gosh!"i shrieked then ran to my closet.

"Shit,Shit,Shit,Shit,Shit"I mumbled to myself whilst hiding behind the closet door.

"Hey..its alright I've seen lots of bodies in my life..much sexier too"He said whilst winking and giving me a smirk.

My mouth dropped.

Way to make a girl feel insecure.

"I don't frigging care just please get out,do I look like the girl to give two shits about what I eat every second of every day?!"I then threw a pillow that was in the closet at his face.Jerk.

"Actually you do..."He said trying to scan my body again.

"Excuse-fucking-me!Get-fucking-out now!"I shouted annoyed still hidden behind the door.

He sighed.

"Maybe you shouldn't act like such a dick then?"I mumbled to myself whilst he walked out and I think he heard it;before he could look or reply to that I ran to the door and closed it.

"Byeeeeeee"I sung whilst securely locking it.

Wait why did here in the first place?

Without thinking I opened the door to see Nick waiting and leaning against it.

"So why did you come in here in the first place?"I quickly asked whilst hiding myself behind the door.

"Your mum and mine have gone shopping they will be back around 5pm,dads have gone work,your sister has gone work and brother out with his mates so it's just me and you and Connor and Ben"

"Oh okay"Then was interrupted by my stomach growling.

Nick bent down to my bare stomach and kissed it whilst whispering"i think someone's hungry"I looked at him as he had a sudden change of mood and heart.

One second he's a dick the other he's a sweetheart?

It sent tingles but I stopped them,even though they made me feel..happy,safe,comforted?

"We're going to be making pancakes so get ready"He said whilst rubbing the back of his neck like he shouldn't have done that or he had no idea why he did that.

"I'll be down in 5"i shouted as he walked out and winked.

What are you doing to me Nick....


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