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Preference- When he finds you asleep.

    Peter had had a very long day and all he wanted was to see you. First, of course, he had to find you. Cair Paravel was a huge castle and you could be anywhere, but the place you probably are, is the hangout room. You go there all the time with your friends.
    He heads to the room and spots you laying on the couch. No one is around y/n, so why is she here. He goes up to her and she is asleep. She looks so peaceful. He didn't want to bother her, but the bed would be more comfy.
    He gently picks you up, one arm under your legs and one under your back. He carries you back to your shared chambers. He opens the door with his foot and heads into the room.
    He lays you on the huge bed and sets you up for sleeping. He brushes you hair out of your face and fixes your arms so that they are on you stomach. He kisses your forehead and starts to walk away when he feels a hand on his arm, telling him to stay. He turns around and your eyes are open. He looks at you with those loving eyes and you pull him onto the bed beside you. You two spend the rest of the day snuggling.

    Edmund can't find you anywhere. He had searched the throne room, the hangout room, the dining room, but he still can't find you. But he hasn't checked the most obvious place in the world. Your shared chambers.
    He walks through the halls all the way to the chamber hall. Y'alls room is right beside Peter's and f/n room. He open the door and she is right there, asleep in a chair. He chuckles to himself and heads over to the chair. He admires your features then he picks you up and bring you to the bed.
    After he puts you in a comfortable position he jumps in next to you and puts his arm around you. Then after his long tiring day he falls asleep with you in his arm.

    Caspian sits on his throne with y/n beside him and he talks to the visitors that are coming by. He wishes he was a king of Narnia not the telmerines but he put up with his position. Y/n was probably the one who really wanted to be by her friends side more than he did.
    When he turned to y/n you were asleep. Oh my gosh, his queen just fell asleep when visitors were there. He tried so hard not to bust out laughing. He got up and picked you up bridal style and headed to his chambers, or hers too. He was trying as hard as possible not to wake you. But there was a problem, y'alls chambers were all the way up the stairs. This was going to be really tiresome for Caspian.
    After the workout he didn't need, he was at the door of the room. He opened it and carefully brought you two the bed. He set you down carefully and moved you so you would be comfortable. After that he needed to lay down. So he crashed down beside you.

    Eustace really needed y/n help with something, but he couldn't seem to find you. He went to the throne room and spotted his cousin Peter sitting on his throne looking at a paper.
    "Hey Peter, do you know where y/n is?" Peter looked up and answered the question, "Last time I saw her was in the garden outside." Oh of course, she loves going to the garden in the afternoon. "Thanks." Peter nodded and Eustace made his way to the colorful garden.
    When he got there, he saw you on the bench, but you were laying down. And you were asleep. Eustace came close to you and studied your face. You are breathtaking. Eustace carefully picked your head up and slipped in so that your head was on his lap.

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