Peter One-Shot

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    "YOU AND YOUR FATHER!" Peter yelled at Caspian. "NARNIA IS BETTER OFF WITHOUT A LOT OF YOU." (I think that is what he said.)
    "AHHHH!" They both drew out their swords. "STOP IT!" Edmund yelled from the background. The Centaur (don't know what his name is called) set Y/n down on the ground. Blood pouring out of her side.

    Peter looked at her in disbelief. How did this happen. "Y/N!" He yelled and ran over to you. Tears were flowing down his cheeks. He picked up you head and set it in his lap.

    "No, no, no," he muttered. He let out a sob. "Peter!" Lucy yelled as she took out her cordial. Peter looked at Lucy hopeful.

    Lucy knelt down and put two drops in Y/n mouth. Everyone waited, which felt like forever, then all of a sudden Y/n gasped for air. Your breathing was heavy.

    Peter pulled you into a tight hug and buried his head into your neck and sobbed tears of joy.

   He was so glad you were ok. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," he repeated over and over.

   You put your hand in his hair and gently scratched his head to soothe him.

   "It's not your fault." You said trying to comfort him.

    "Yes it is, I could have called it off. You shouldn't have gotten hurt. You couldn't of died. You were just dead." He said.

    "Hey I'm alright," you said "I'm ok," then you lifted his head up and kisses him. You kissed him until he pulled away and hugged you even tighter. If that was possible.


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