Chapter Two: Lollipop pt. 1

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Dahlia woke to a banging outside of her door, her eyes flew open and she began scrambling to hide her phone, paci, stuffy, and blanket. Everything was unceremoniously shoved under he bed as her mother crashed through the door. Her mother stood drunkenly leaning on the door frame, her nose bleeding, a sick, empty grin on her lips 

"Daddy's home" she purred, before her father, unseen, grabbed Dahlia's mother around the hips and dragged her to there room, his disgusting whispers echoing in Dahlia's ears like screams.  She whimpered softly, thanking everything she could that she had a double shift today. She slid from her bed and walked sleepily to her small bathroom, turning the shower on cold and wrapping her phone in her work clothes after shooting Alexander a quick text. She slipped into the cold shower only to hear her parents loud and clear through the thin bathroom wall, tears threatened to well over but they were ignored.

Dahlia: My father's home, thank god for double shifts
Alexander: You work too much peach, but I guess it is better that you aren't home with him. 

Dahlia sighed at the cold water and the obscene sounds echoing through her drafty house, washing up as quickly as she could, only to slide her clean self into her less clean bar tending clothes. 

Dahlia: You know I have to work if I ever want to get out of here
Alexander: I know, but princesses shouldn't have to work this much

Dahlia blushed slightly as she tried to button her way too tight black jeans, and smiled with her typing of a response.

Dahlia: I think I fit the bill of damsel in distress more than a Princess really
Alexander: Lucky for you I'm a knight ;)

Dahlia smiled again and giggled, Alexander Knight, puns about his royal name were commonplace between them and were always refreshing among Dahlia's dismal days.

Dahlia: Alright then Lex, I'm heading out I'll text you when I get home <3
Alexander: Be safe for me Peach

Dahlia's smile widened as she read his response and popped the first of many lollipops of the day into her mouth and walked out of her house humming happily. Her purple fuzzy backpack slid onto her shoulders as she left, and her day began like any other. 


Alexander stretched out in his bed, smiling at the text's, and his thoughts began to wander. Now that he was free from Elly, his last little, maybe he could finally go and save Peach, his affectionate name for Dahlia. She had the sweetest little cheeks, like little peaches on the sides of her lovely little lips. His mind fell into thoughts of kissing her, and even more when he saw the sweet picture she sent him of her smiling, a lollipop between her two peaches. He groaned softly and covered his face with one of his calloused hands. He shouldn't think like that about a little who's not his, he shouldn't think like that about his best friend, he shouldn't want her, but he did and his thoughts didn't stop even as he climbed into a frigid shower. 


Dahlia got to work and shuffled quietly through the morning staff, who were prepping the bar to open. She made her way over to a small supply closet in the back of the restaurant where she would often sit to do up her makeup and text Alexander. Dahlia tucked her thin legs underneath herself and settled onto a cardboard box, propping her phone on her legs she began applying her lip gloss in a piece of a mirror they had glued to the wall for her. The tight black jeans that were part of her uniform hugged her curves tightly, showing off what she usually chose to hide. The blouse was partially see through, showing off the nude pink lace bralette she wore, for comfort, not for appeal. She only used sex appeal when working, in reality she knew basically nothing, only what middle school health class had taught her, as well as the bits and pieces Alexander had mentioned in there conversations over the years. 


Alexander stepped out of the shower and grinned when he saw a message from his peach waiting on his phone. He clumsily pulled on a pair of boxers as he rushed over to his bed, flopping onto it and grabbing his phone. He grinned and groaned softly when he saw what the text was. A picture of Dahlia getting ready for work. Her deep red hair mostly up, pieces of it falling and framing her face softly, her eyes were doe style, soft lined with dark eye liner and her lashes had been swept up with mascara making her eyes appear bigger and sweeter. Her lips were what caught his attention, rouged with a red gloss, holding another lollipop between her crimson lips.  His head fell back and he laughed darkly, he was disgusting, his thoughts were disgusting. He really did care about her but when she sent him pictures like this all his mind could do was go deep into it's dark corners. He looked back at it and noticed something, her bra peeking pinkly through her shirt. He growled softly, not wanting anyone else to have thoughts of his peach. He cringed, his response had been deadpan, and not at all how he wanted it to sound.

Alexander: Don't you think that shirts a bit revealing


Dahlia's phone made a small sound and she looked down at it excitedly, but then her face fell upon her seeing the response. She didn't know what to say, but he began typing again so she just waiting. 

Alexander: I just don't want anyone looking at you in a way you don't want Peach, that's all. You look adorable
Dahlia: Thanks Lex, but I'm sure I'll be ok, it's part of the job


Alexander growled a bit louder at her response, but he didn't say anything about it. He couldn't, he wasn't her Daddy, she didn't belong to him, her body wasn't his. He shook his head as if to clear the thoughts from his mind, but it didn't work. His thoughts wandered underneath the short mundane conversation they had before Dahlia sweetly told him she needed go, with a promise of texting him when she got home. He agreed he would text her, and rolled over, tossing his phone to the side, making a frustrated sound. The picture she had sent was now burned into his minds eye. This had been a problem  encountered before, but he had always had a little or some girl who he could take it out on. Wanting Dahlia was something he just naturally did, and he wanted her badly. Knowing she was a virgin just made it worse, the side of him that screamed for Dahlia to be his little had ignited when she told him she was untouched, saving herself for the perfect Daddy she hoped to one day have. Alexander's eyes closed in shame as he reached over for his phone and pulled up the picture, looking at intently, letting his mind...and hand, wander. He had a bit of a problem, but right now that wasn't what mattered, what mattered was keeping himself quiet as his mind filled with sounds he knew he could coax out of Dahlia's pretty little lips. 


The start of her day came and went quickly, and the night crowd slowly filtered into the bar, filling with a different atmosphere than the music implied. Shitty pop tunes filtered through the cheap speakers by the section of rug they had cut out to reveal the hardwood to call a dance floor. Dahlia served drinks and smiles to everyone in her section, until one man brought attention to himself.
"Hey lollipop are you on the menu" he growled drunkenly at her, one of his hands grabbing the middle of her thigh as she tried to walk by.  She stopped and looked down, recognizing him from somewhere, but she still jerked her leg away and spat at him
"No, I'm not, now fuck off"
"So you're not...taken?" he asked lowly, standing and backing her against the wall
"Well...." she trailed off, terrified and looking up at the man, trying to push him away but he was bigger than she was. Luckily one of the bartenders saw and hurried over, shoving the man off of her and swiftly out the door. It was her manager who spoke to her finally
"You only have two hours on your shift, go home" he said gruffly, and that was the end of it. This was the closest he ever got to being nice, but he left no space for argument, and going home to her parents didn't sound any better than the nasty bar rats here, none the less, she gathered her things and began the short walk home. 

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