Chapter One

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"Out! Get out my damn house boy!" Tanya's mom yells behind me as I sloppily pull up my briefs I snatch my pants and shirt from the floor as I sprint to her window that was open. She takes her slipper off and tosses it at the back of my head and I duck making her miss. I chuckle but soon stop when I see her charge at me. My eyes go wide and I quickly slip my body out of the window. I climb down the vines and jump the rest of the way. She throws my shoes down at me, one of them hitting me in the head. "Don't you ever bring your ass back here! Ooh I can't stand you kids nowadays. Tanya! Get your ass in here now!" I hear her mom yell as I run to my car that was parked down the street.

"Fuck..." I grumble rubbing the spot my shoe hit. I slip my pants on and pat the pockets for my keys. I locate them and quickly unlock my car. I pull the door open and toss in my shirt. I slip my white Jordans and get in the car. I press the button to start the engine and speed down the road. I laugh to myself as I make my way onto the high way and back home. That wasn't the first time she's seen me at her house it was just the first time that she's seen me nine inches deep in her daughter. As I pull into the driveway I groan when I see my mother standing on the porch with her phone. She sees my car and says a few things into the device before hanging up.

"Victor! Where were you! You had me scared!" She squeals and I roll my eyes.
"Ma... I'm fine I promise." I say before bending down to kiss her cheek. She sighs and stares up at me with a frown.
"Fine... get in the house, I've just finished breakfast." She says and I nod. I push the front door open and make my way into the kitchen.
"Daya?! I need my keys baby! Where they at?!" My dad yells through the house. I bite my bottom lip and walk into the kitchen.
"Here dad..." I say handing him his keys. He looks at me and furrows his brows.
"You were driving my car?" He asks and I swallow the lump in my throat.
"Y-yeah..." I say and he clenches his jaw.

"What I tell your curly headed ass about my car?" He growls and I look away from him.
"Sorry I had to go somewhere earlier." I mumble and I feel a smack at the back of my head. I frown and rub the spot.
"You was out there fucking that girl." He shakes his head and pushes past me.
"Where's Ro?" I ask as I follow behind him.
"Your mother let her spend the night at Jesse's house." He says while rolling his eyes. "I hate that shit." He finishes and I chuckle. He glares at me and I quickly shut my mouth.
"You know she ain't doing nothing dad." I say and she huffs as he slips on his shoes.

"No I don't know! All I know is that she better come back here still as the Virgin Mary her damn self." He says.
"She can't stay a virgin forever." I mumble and he hits me again. "I'm serious dad! We're almost nineteen! She ain't gonna-" He holds his hand up to silence me and I shrug.
"Until she's moved out she better stay the way she is now." He says before disappearing out the front door.


I lay silently on Jesse's chest as he snores softly. My hand plays with his gold chain as my other one traced the outline of his lips. His nose twitches a bit and I smile as I watch him. I blink my eyes over to the clock on the side dresser. The time read 12:35pm and I sigh knowing I would sooner than later have to get going. Jesse stayed up with me all night helping me prepare letters for a few different colleges. We were up until about four finishing up the last one.
"Whatchu thinking about baby?" Jesse says in his morning voice. I flutter my eyes up to his and shrug.
"Nothing... just zoning out." I say softly and he smiles down at me before letting his eyes close again.
"I gotta get you home soon... your daddy gone kill me if I don't." He chuckles and I giggle and snuggle further into his warmth.

"Just a few more minutes." I whisper and let my fingers trace the tattoos on his chest. He laughs lightly and rests his hand on my lower back.
"I gotta pee baby..." He says and I sigh.
"Okay." I give in and lift up off of him. He slides off of the bed and I flip my hair from my face and stare up at him. His eyes catch mine and he winks making me blush and look down. I head his chuckle before he lifts my head and places a kiss on my forehead.
"You're so damn beautiful..." He mumbles and my face turns redder.
"Oh stop..." I whisper and he kisses my cheek.
"It's the truth ma..." He says before releasing my face and standing up.

He walks into the bathroom and I get off the bed and follow behind him. His hands work to unbuckle his pants and he drops them before kicking them off. I clear my throat and walk over to his double sink. I make sure to keep my eyes off of him as he takes off his briefs and does his business. I pull my toothbrush from the holder and get it wet before squeezing some toothpaste onto it. I wet the brush one more time before beginning to brush my teeth. Once he's done he brushes his also. We set out brushes back in the holder and I rinse my mouth out. As I turn off the water his strong hands grip my sides and caresses them for a moment. I catch his eyes in the mirror and blush before he whips my body around.

His bottom lip is trapped between his teeth and he steps in closer to me. My breath hitches in my throat as he leans down and lets his lips graze mine. My heart threatens to leave my chest as he tilts his head and moves himself closer. Before he can kiss me I turn my head and let my eyes flutter to the ground. He sighs and places his head in my neck.
"Whenever your ready baby..." He whispers against my skin. My eyes water as I place my hands to his chest and push him back lightly.
"I w-want to let you but-"
"I know Ro, you don't have to apologize. Whenever you're ready to move past what happened to you I'll be here, always will be. Remember Royalty I'm going to be here for you through everything. Never forget that baby." He says before kissing my forehead and leaning his against mine. "I love you." He whispers as he stares into my eyes.
"I love you." I say as I sniffle and he wipes my tears away with his thumbs.
"Always and forever." We say together making me giggle and he smiles.

"Ight baby, call me later." Jesse says before kissing my cheek. I nod and open the car door.
"Love you." I say and he says it back before I make my way into the house. Before I can get in the front door opens and my dad stands there. "Hi." I giggle as he looks over me and at Jesse's car. He glares at him before wrapping a arm around me and forcing me into the house. I laugh at him and he shuts the door. He grabs my face and turns it as he inspects me. He lifts my head looking at my neck and I giggle again. "Nothing happened daddy." I say and he lets me go.
"Better not had." He says before stepping back. "What did you guys do?" He asks as we begin to walk further into the house.

"Finished up my essays for college." I say softly. He nods and mom walks into the living room.
"Hey baby, had fun?" She asks and I nod.
"Yeah, we didn't do much. We were up until four finishing my essays." I explain to her and she nods and crawls on the couch with dad. He squints his eyes at me and I laugh. "What?" I ask and he shakes his head while sticking out his bottom lip.
"Nothing." He mumbles and I shake my head before walking away.

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