Chapter Two

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Victor slings his arm around me as we sit at the bleachers. Tonight was the big football game, homecoming. Almost every kid was here. It was my junior year so I'd been here before but I would never miss one.
"Look over there, that Jesse dude staring at you pretty hard." Victor says in my ear, nodding his head in front of us. I let my eyes travel to where he was looking at. I blush a deep red as Jesse smiles and waves at me. I shyly wave back and he smiles and licks his lips.
"Hey Victor..." One of the girls on the cheer team says as she comes to sit next to him.
"Hey..." He flirts taking his arm from around me. I roll my eyes and look away.

I catch Jesse's eyes again and he waves me over to him. I bite my lip and stand from my seat.
"Excuse me..." I say softly as I pass people.
"Aye Royalty! Come sit that on my lap mami!" A dark skin boy manes Kyle yells. I shake my head with a blush as I continue to make my way towards Jesse.
"Hey Royalty." He smiles when I finally reach him. I straighten out my dress before sitting next to him.
"Hi..." I say softly as I push my hair behind my ears.
"You having fun?" He asks and I smile up at him.
"Yeah... I love these games." I say and he chuckles.
"I mostly just come to hang out." He admits.

"I think that's main reason why most of us are here." I giggle. He bites his bottom lip and smiles down at me.
"Kyle's your boyfriend?" He asks suddenly. I shake my head and furrow my brows.
"No why?" I ask moving closer to him so I could hear him better.
"He keeps saying it," He chuckles. "He has most of the Junior class believing it." He finishes with a smile.
"I'd never date him!" I giggle and his eyes seem to light up. "He's a player and with who my father is he wouldn't last long." I say truthfully. He laughs adorably and I watch him in awe. Time passes and we share laughs and talk for most of the night.

"Alright Ro, it was really nice hanging out with you... give me a call sometime." Jesse says before hesitantly kissing my cheek. I blush and wave at him as he walks away. I gather myself and make my way off of the field. As I'm walking past the bottom of the bleachers someone grabs my arm making me turn around.
"Hi Kyle..." I say when I realize it's him. He lick his lips and pulls me towards him.
"Hey beautiful." He smirks and I blush and pull my arm away from him.
"What did you want?" I ask kindly and he moves further under the bleachers.
"Come here." He smiles and I laugh a little.
"Why?" I question with my brows furrowed.

"I wanna show you something." He says and I giggle before shaking my head. I step closer to him and follow him further. After a few steps he points to the ground. "Look at that." He says and I push my hair from my face before looking where he was pointing to.
"I don't see anything Kyle." I say trying to see in the darkness.
"Look closer..." He says lowly and I lean closer towards the ground.
"Kyle I still don't-" I'm caught off guard when my body is pushed to the ground. The sound of a belt buckle being undone streams through my ears as I push my hair from my face once again. "What are you-" I'm silenced for the second time when his body drops on top of mine.

I catch onto when he's doing and begin to panic.
"Stop, please." I say trying to keep calm. I push at his chest and he huffs and forces my hands down. Tears begin to well in my eyes as he forces my legs apart. "Stop!" I cry out and his hand lifts and he sends me a punch to my jaw. My vision blurs as my head falls back into the ground. His hand clutches my panties and he rips them off of me. My mind swirls as he wraps my legs around him and pulls me closer. His face is blurry to me as I try to protest against him. With force he shoves himself inside me and I gasp out in pain. "Please stop!" I cry and he grunts and holds my hips down to the ground.
"Shut up!" He grits as he now begins to pound into me.

Pain courses through me as tears cascade down my cheeks.
"You like this shit huh?!" He breathes into my ear. My hands claw at his chest, back and arms but he still never releases me. It feels like the assault goes on for hours until he groans loudly and removes himself from me. I lay motionless staring up at him as I try to grasp onto what has just happened. Was I dreaming? No this was real. Kyle Richardson has just raped me underneath the bleachers. I begin to cry again but silently. He gets off of me, pulls his pants up and flees. Slowly I find the strength to stand and make my way out. I limp from underneath the bleachers.
"Royalty! Ro?! Where are you man?!" I head Victor shout sounding panicked. He spots me and immediately comes to my side. "O-Oh my god Royalty you're bleeding! What happened?!" He asks and I sniffle to myself and keep walking.
"Just take me home please." I beg and he frowns before lifting me from the ground and carrying me to the car

I jolt form my sleep and let my eyes flicker across the room. Victor groans tiredly as his head lays in my lap. I wipe the sweat from my forehead and try to control my breathing. That night will forever haunt me. I just want to get over it but I can't.
"Had that flashback again?" Victor mumbles keeping his eyes closed. I sigh and look through the dark living room before answering.
"Yes..." I reply softly and he lets his eyes open and meet mine. He frowns and we stare at each other.
"I-I wish I would've found you sooner..." He says looking away from me. I sigh and begin to play in his hair.

"It's not your fault Victor... you can't control what was going to happen." I say softly and he sits up.
"I just want you to be okay Ro... are you?" He asks grabbing my face. I nod and shift my eyes to the floor. "No you're not... Jesse told me you're still scared." My eyes water and he embraces me into a hug. "You don't have to be scared of every mans touch Royalty. Jesse just wants the best for you and he respects you." He whispers in my ear before pecking my cheek. "Even if he tries to hurt you, you know I'll be there to shut things down real quick." He says making me giggle and lay my head on his shoulder.

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