Chapter Three

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"Hurry up." Ryan hisses as I scan the cereal isle for the fifth time. I roll my eyes and push him by his chest.
"I told you not to come shopping with me." I say and he slaps a box of cereal out my hand. "I can't stand you." I huff and I bend down to pick it up. Maria comes from around the corner with a pack of hotdogs and Ryan scrunches up hid face in disgust.
"Oh fuck no! Then shuts is nasty! You know what they be putting in them Maria?!" He exclaims loudly making an older lady in the isle turn to look at us. I shake my head and grab the hotdogs from her.
"If she wants them she can have them." I hiss at him in a whisper. I go to put them in the cart but he grabs them and throws them across the store. My mouth drops open and i just stare at him.

"It's not that fucking serious Ry!" I yell and Maira's face scrunches in anger at her father. She balls up her small fist and strikes him in his baby maker.
"Fuck!" He groans and drops to his knees while holding himself. I try to contain my laughter but can't when her little hand smacks the back of his head.
"You're an ass!" She yells at him making my eyes widen.
"Hey! Don't say that!" I scold and she crosses her arms over her chest and pouts. "Jesus I can't take you guys anywhere." I sigh and walk away from them both.
"Aye Maria! You're lucky we're in a store!" He threatens from behind me. I roll my eyes and turn into the check out lane.
"Hello, how're you?" The cashier asks and I smile up at him.
"I'm fine and yourself?" I ask as I begin to put my things on the belt.

"I'm good." He says before licking his lips. I keep my smile as he scans my things and bags them. "I can't keep this to myself any longer, you're very beautiful." He compliments and I blush.
"Thank you..." I say and I hear Ryan coming up.
"Which isle you in Daya?!" He yells making me sigh.
"You're married?" He asks eying my ring. I nod and push my hair behind my ears.
"Yeah my husband is-"
"Why ain't you answering me? Rude ass. Now my dick hurt because of that damn child." Ryan grumbles as he comes up behind me. Maria slaps another pack of hotdogs on the belt as she holds a mug on her face.
"Can you stop being loud?" I hiss and he pulls me back to rest against him forcefully. I roll my eyes as he glares at the cashier.
"This nigga was flirting with you?" He asks making the cashiers face redden.

"No now stop being embarrassing!" I whine and he kisses his teeth. After he rings everything up he tells us the total and Ryan pulls out his card. He swipes it and signs his name and we're on our way. I push our cart as Ryan searches his pockets for his keys.
"Man what the fuck!" He screams when some kids roll by with squirt guns and get him wet. The car comes to a stop and the kids laugh loudly from inside it. His face reddens and he stomps towards the car. When it's to late they realize he's in front of them and he yanks the car door open and pulls one of the kids out.
"Maria stay right here!" I say before attempting to run over to Ryan with my heels on. "Ryan let him go!" I yell as he pulls his gold pistol from his waist band. The kid shakes in fear as Ryan screams down at him.

"Ryan!" I scold pulling him away from the boy. "You're not invincible you fucking idiot! You can still get put in prison!" I huff as I pull him away. He mumbles to himself in his first language and quickly unlocks the car. I hurry to load the trunk with the groceries and get Maria strapped in. I hop in the front and Ryan pulls off in a hurry.
"I'm dropping y'all off at the house I got somewhere to be." He says as he clicks his phone off and tosses it in the cup holder.
"Okay." I say grabbing his hand and rubbing my thumb over the top. He was tense and I hated it when he was mad. He smiles and glances over at me for a second. After he turns his attention back to the road he brings my hand up to his lips and kisses my ring. I giggles and bite my bottom lip as I look out of the window. My hand stays in his lap and he caresses it the whole way home.

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