Chapter Fifteen

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"Sit ya ass down Victor." I chuckle as he stands toe to toe with me. His jaw clenches tightly and he continues to glare into my eyes. "You feeling tough now? Hit me pussy." I spit at him and I feel a tug on my arm.
"Ryan stop." Zendaya says as she continues to pull on me. I shrug her off of me before pushing on his chest.
"C'mon!" I scream at him and seconds later his fist connects with my jaw. I stumble backwards a bit, and hold my face in my hand. I was surprised. I chuckle lightly before tackling him to the floor. My hands wraps around his neck and he struggles to get me off of him.
"Ryan stop!" Daya screams and tries to help her son. Victor gains the upper hand by striking me in my jaw and I let go of him. He forced me off his body before standing quickly. His feet stomp into my chest and I cringe. Zendaya grabs him and forces him back before glaring at us both. "What the fuck is wrong with you two?! First off why the fuck are you hitting your father and why the hell would you be trying to fight our son?!" She shouts and I slowly sit up.
"Your son, that's your son." I laugh and shake my head. "He ain't my blood, he sure don't act like it." I continue to laugh and she stomps over to me and sends a harsh slap across my face. I hiss and glare up at her as she does so down at me.

"The boy looks and acts just like your disrespectful ass!" She shakes her head at me. I quickly send a smack back at her and I'm tackled back to the ground. Me and Victor continue to wrestle around and he reaches for the gun on the floor. I quickly snatch it and we begin to fight over it. A loud shot rings through the room and we all freeze. Everybody looks at themselves before we all slowly turn our heads towards Daya. She stares back at us and raises her brows. "What?" She asks and I swallow the lump in my throat. I get off of Victor and rush over to her.
"Relax... stay relaxed..." I say and she scrunches her face up.
"Why?" She asks and I place my hand on the bottom of her stomach. Blood pours into my hand and I feel my eyes well up. She drops her eyes down to my hand and they widen.
"Oh my God! Ryan!" She screams and begins to bug out.
"Baby relax!" I demand and she begins to cry. I guess the pain finally hit her because she gasps loudly and falls into my arms. "One of y'all call the fucking ambulance!" I yell as they all stand in shock. Jessie quickly fishes his phone out of his pocket and calls them. I hold Daya tight against me and kiss her hair. "You're gonna be fine niña..." I whisper as her blood continues to leak into my hand, dropping onto the floor.
"Ryan... it hurts..." She whispers and I clench my eyes shut.
"Baby I'm so fucking sorry baby." I croak as she begins to loose her balance. She falls and I got right with her, cradling her as we sit on the ground.

"You two fucking dumb asses fighting over a gun look what you did!" Royalty screams, tears racing down her face. She comes to rush over to us but I glare at her.
"Back away!" I scream as I begin to release my own tears. Victor paces the room as he tugs at his hair.
"They're on their way." He says and I clench my eyes shut. Zendaya begins to breathe harshly and I rock back and forth.
"Keep your eyes open baby... just keep your eyes open." I whimper as I push down on her wound. She whines and closes her eyes and I shake my head,
"Fuck!" Victor screams as he drops down to his knees beside us. "Momma I'm so sorry..." He cries as he reaches for her. I yank away from him and shake my head.
"Move." I growl and he stares at me for a moment. He slowly stands back up and shakes his own head at me.
"You're fucking insane." He spits and walks over to Ro. Time seems to pass slowly before the doors to the hotel room burst open and men rush towards us. They try to lift Days from my arms but I resist.
"Sir we need to get her onto the stretcher so we can admit her!" One yells at me and I clench my jaw. Slowly I let them take her and watch as they place her on the stretcher.

I listen to the monitor beep behind me as I stare out of the large glass window

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I listen to the monitor beep behind me as I stare out of the large glass window. Zendaya was alive but she was barley hanging on. She'd been sleep since the night before and I had yet to see her open her eyes. I take a deep breath before turning around. I look over at her and bite into my bottom lip as I take in her appearance for the thousandth time. Her skin way pale and she looked weak. Her hair was tossed wildly all over the place and IV's were hooked to her arms. The doctor told me she should be waking up soon so that's what I was waiting for. The door to the room opens and I look over at it. Royalty steps in by herself but avoids my eyes. I eye her as she walks beside her mother and grasps her hand. She sniffles and wipes her tears as she looks down at her.
"She'll be fine..." I mumble as I walk up behind her. She visibly stiffens and I chuckle. "Stop being so damn scary." I say before gripping her waist. I pull her back to press against me and place my chin on top of her head as we stare down at Zendaya. "Stop crying baby girl..." I say softly as I rock her in my arms. 
"Please let me go..." Her voice is shaky but I ignore her.
"You know I love you right?" I whisper in her ear and she lets out a sob. "If I loose your mother I'll only have you... you won't leave me alone right Ro?" I question as I spin her around to face me.

Her bloodshot eyes continue to leak tears as she stares up at me. I grip her chin softly and raise her face up a big. The door to the room opens once more and I can see Jesse walk in from the corner of my eye. I pull her face closer to mine and smirk.
"Right Royalty?" I ask as I raise my brow and she nods as she whimpers.
"Yes." She says softly and I pull her face even closer to mine. Our lips or grazing each other's and I can feel the anger radiating off of Jesse.
"Yes what?" I ask and she sobs once more.
"Y-yes daddy." She cries and I smile. My lips smother hers and she lets out a sound of disapproval. In seconds she's snatched away from me and I see her boyfriends glare. I laugh and sit down in the chair next to my wife. Without saying anything the two exit the room and I sit in silence. About an hour passes before I hear her.
"Ryan...?" Daya says softly and I look over at her.
"Hey baby." I mumble as I stand up. I cup her face in my hand and kiss her lips. She turns her face away before shaking her head.
"I want you a-away from me." She says and I furrow my brows.
"What?" I question and she scoots away from me.
"G-get out." She says and I clench my jaw before gripping hers tightly.
"I ain't going no-fucking-where." I grit and she begins to cry. She presses her panic button and I growl. I smash my lips back into hers and she begins to punch at my chest.
"You're a fucking molester! Get away from me!" She screams and I begin to redden from anger. Her doors burst open and nurses rush in. "Get him away from me! Please!" She screams and they quickly send for security. I glare down at her, never letting her eyes meet mine. In minutes I'm yanked off of her and I continue to glare. I shoved from the room and I squint my eyes at her before they slam the door shut.
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