Chapter Five

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"Victor are you fucking dumb?" I growl at him and he swallows as he shakes his head.
"N-no... he was fucking with Ro so-"
"You don't fucking blow his brains out estúpido! Beat his ass yeah, but kill him no!" I yell and he flinches. "Get the fuck out my face." I spit and he quickly scampers off. My phone rings in my pocket and I sigh as I fish it out. Rosaleen' s name flashes across the screen and I lick my lips. "Hey baby..." I smile after I swipe to answer the call.
"Don't 'hey baby' me Ryan! You missed the appointment today!" She frowns making me sigh.
"I'm sorry babe! I've been busy." I lie as I wander into the kitchen. She gives me the eye and I chuckle. "I'll make it up to you later." I say and she rolls her eyes.
"Ryan I don't want to have sex. Why're you always so picky about coming over? What's stopping you?" She asks, her eyebrows raising. My wife and kids, I think to myself.
"Nothing..." I mumble as I pull the fridge open and search for a water. I locate one and pull it out. I place my phone on the counter and twist the cap open. I take a few swings of it before setting it down on the counter.

"I just don't understand why we can't move in together! We've been together for almost two years, have a baby on the way and I've never even stepped foot in your house!" She complains and I rub my temples.
"Soon Rose, soon." I mumble as I pick up my phone and stare at her pretty face.
"You say that every time. What're you hiding from me?" She asks and I clench my jaw.
"Rosaleen I'm not hiding anything! Just trust me baby, things will fall into place soon." I fill her head up with more lies before licking my lips.
"I'm not going to wait forever Ryan." She says and roll my eyes. I glance over at the doorway and unexpectedly catch eyes with my oldest daughter Royalty. Her eyes widen and I hold a stare with her.
"Alright Rose, I have to go. I love you." I say, not once removing my eyes from my daughter.

"I love you more..." She sighs before we hang up the call. I toss my phone into the counter and raised brows at Ro. She swallows and attempts to walk away.
"Ah, ah, ah, come here." I call out to her and she slowly turns around.
"Y-yes daddy?" She asks in her sweet voice I chuckle and walk towards her.
"You heard everything." I state as I get closer. She shakes her head as she walks backwards, away from me. I growl and slam my fist beside her head as she backs into the wall. "Don't lie Royalty! You know daddy hates liars." I grit and her bottom lip trembles as I glare down at her.
"Sorry daddy..." She whimpers and I lick my lips. 
"We ain't gone say shit about this right?" I ask, arching my brow. She nods and I chuckle bitterly. "Speak up!" I raise my voice and she jumps.
"N-no I won't say anything." She whispers and I lick my lips.
"Buena niña." I growl and grip her chin in my hand. I place a tender kiss on her forehead and a shaky breath leaves her lips as I let my lips linger for a moment.
"Ryan! Where are you?" Zendaya calls out after I hear the front door shut.

I pull away from her and give her a warning look before making my way into the front room.
"Hey baby." I smile and her hands grip my face and she places a kiss on my lips.
"Hi." She giggles and I palm her ass in my hand. "Let me go so I can cook dinner." She laughs and I let her go.
"Hurry up daddy's hungry." I say giving her ass one last slap as she walks away.


"What's the matter Ro?" Jessie asks as I climb into his bed. I avoid his eyes and climb underneath his covers.
"Nothing... I'm just tired." I softly and he clenches his jaw.
"I see right through you baby. What's up?" He asks again as he comes to hover over me. We stare at each other in silence and I can tell he's not going to let up.
"Don't tell Victor." I whisper and he furrows his brows before sitting beside me. His hands grasp me and he picks me up, placing me on his lap.
"I won't. Pinky promise." He said and sticks out his pinky. I lock mine with his and take a deep breath.
"I'm scared of my father." I whisper and he sits up against the headboard.
"Why? He touched you? He's abusing you?" He asks in a hurry and I shake my head.
"I've heard stories about him and after what happened today just had me... shaken up a bit." I admit as I trace the tattoos on his chest.
"Tell me what happened." He says as he places his strong hand under my chin. My eyes hit his and he stares at me in concern.

"I had just woken up from my nap and I went downstairs to see who was home. I heard my dad talking to someone named Rosaleen, I guess they're together and have been for two years!" I say and run my hand through my hair.
"Damn..." He mumbles and licks his lip.
"I think she's pregnant by him... and he hasn't even told her about us, about my mom..." I sigh and she massages my waist and gives me a look that tells me to keep going. "H-he caught me listening to him and he... he backed me into the wall and... I don't know if it was a threat or not but he made me tell him that what I had heard was to stay between us. I'm scared of what he'd do if I told my mom!" I panic and he wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a hug.
"Calm down..." He whispers in my ear as tears begin to flow down my face.
"My mother doesn't deserve this! We don't deserve this. Rosaleen doesn't deserve this! I think I... I think I hate him!" I sob as he holds me tighter.
"Baby you're just mad." He says softly.
"He's a horrible man and Victor is following right in his footsteps." I whisper as my eyes become heavy. He rocks us back and forth making me tired. "Can I stay the night?" I ask after a while of silence.
"Of course baby." He mumbles against my neck. I close my eyes and wrap my legs around his waist tighter and my arms around his neck tighter.
Have a good night loves ❤️

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