Ch. 22

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Tris POV

I felt so disgusted. I hated Eric so much. I knew then that I had to do something. Suddenly a huge rush of strength swept through me so I managed to push him off of me. Then I punched him in the groin, in the face many times, kicked him in the stomach and said," You are a disgusting coward Eric."

Then I ran to the bathroom to get a gun from my secret gun stash because he needed to die and was in to much pain to move. I walked back into the room and as soon as Eric saw me worry flashed his face. I hated him so much and he deserved to die but what would Peter do. So I found Peter's number and called him. I said," Can I kill Eric?"

" Yes do it now we are on our way back."

So at first I was planning to shoot Eric many times but I am not that sadistic and I am not him so I aimed my gun and shot his head. He was dead in a second. Then Tobias and Peter burst in and see the dead Eric. Peter seems happy about it but I thought he loved Eric. Did something happen? Did he lie to me? Yeah he probably did lie to me!

Thank you so much for reading my story. I am going to have a few more chapters but not many and then I will write a hunger games fan fiction. I love you all so much.

Yours Truly, <4

Morganroxi46 <3

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