Chapter 9

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Christmas was soon approaching, Malfoy was bugging me to join him at his house for the Malfoy Annual Christmas Ball.

" Come on Zack!!" He begged.

" Maybe. I need to ask my parents. They aren't gonna be home, so probably. " I say. " I just might have to say it's a different friends house since our families still hate each other. "

" I'm fine with that. As long as you can come. " he says.

I nod and go to the Owlery. It was Saturday and snowing, so no classes. I scribbled my letter on a piece of parchment and my owl flew down.

" Send this to mum and dad. Ok?"

He hooted and flew out and off. I ran down the steps wrapping my scarf around me. I walk into the Great Hall and there was the usual buzzing. I walked over to the Gryffindor table to talk to Fred and George.

" Hey Zack." Fred mumbles.

I guess they're still upset about the whole Slytherin thing. They'll be pissed then.

" Hey guys. I might not be here this Christmas. Draco invited me to the annual Malfoy Christmas Ball.." I say.

" He did what?"

" And you told mum and dad?!"

" I told them it was a different friend so I'd have a slightly better chance of going. " I say.

" Just like a Slytherin"

" You were never the same"

" Since the sorting" they finish together.

I shrug and sit at the Slytherin table, seeing as no Gryffindor wanted to be near me. I sit down and munch on a sandwich. I guess everyone just hates me. Amazing.

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